PrimaryFromSuppressedData: 'primary' and 'forced' from suppressed data

View source: R/PrimaryFromSuppressedData.R

PrimaryFromSuppressedDataR Documentation

primary and forced from suppressed data


Function for GaussSuppressionFromData


  forcedData = FALSE,
  totCode = FindTotCode2(x, crossTable),

ForcedFromSuppressedData(..., forcedData = TRUE)

NotPrimaryFromSuppressedData(..., forcedData = TRUE)



A (sparse) dummy matrix


crossTable generated by parent function


A data frame or a list of data frames as output from GaussSuppressionFromData. If the variable suppressed is not included, all rows are considered suppressed.


When TRUE, the suppressed coding is swapped.


A named list of totals codes


Unused parameters


ForcedFromSuppressedData uses forcedData = TRUE and hence a vector to be use as forced is generated. NotPrimaryFromSuppressedData is similar, but TRUE elements are replaced by NA's. Hence the result can be used as an extra primary vector to ensure that code combinations not suppressed according to suppressedData are forced not to be primary suppressed.

The variables used in suppressedData in addition to "suppressed" are those with matching names in crossTable. Others are ignored. For variables in crossTable not in suppressedData, only totals are considered. Others rows are ignored when mathing with suppressedData.

When suppressedData is a list, the final result is the union of individual results of each data frame.


Logical vector to be used as GaussSuppression input


z2 <- SSBtoolsData("z2")

# Data to be used as suppressedData
a <- GaussSuppressionFromData(z2, c(1, 3, 4), 5, protectZeros = FALSE)

# For alternative ways to suppress the same table
b1 <- GaussSuppressionFromData(z2, 1:4, 5)
b2 <- GaussSuppressionFromData(z2, 1:4, 5, primary = c(PrimaryDefault, PrimaryFromSuppressedData),
                               suppressedData = a)
b3 <- GaussSuppressionFromData(z2, 1:4, 5, primary = c(PrimaryDefault, PrimaryFromSuppressedData),
                               suppressedData = a, forced = ForcedFromSuppressedData)
b4 <- GaussSuppressionFromData(z2, 1:4, 5, 
             primary = c(PrimaryDefault, PrimaryFromSuppressedData, NotPrimaryFromSuppressedData),
                               suppressedData = a, forced = ForcedFromSuppressedData)

# Reducing data to rows mathing a
b1r <- b1[SSBtools::Match(a[1:2], b1[1:2]), ]
b2r <- b2[SSBtools::Match(a[1:2], b2[1:2]), ]
b3r <- b3[SSBtools::Match(a[1:2], b3[1:2]), ]
b4r <- b4[SSBtools::Match(a[1:2], b4[1:2]), ]

# Look at rows where new suppression is different from that in a  

# Both TRUE and FALSE changed
cbind(a, b1r)[b1r$suppressed != a$suppressed, c(1:5, 9:10)]

# Only  FALSE changed to TRUE (suppression is preserved)
cbind(a, b2r)[b2r$suppressed != a$suppressed, c(1:5, 9:10)]

# Only change is due to new primary suppression rule (protectZeros = TRUE) 
cbind(a, b3r)[b3r$suppressed != a$suppressed, c(1:5, 9:10)]

# No changes 
cbind(a, b4r)[b4r$suppressed != a$suppressed, c(1:5, 9:10)]

GaussSuppression documentation built on Sept. 24, 2024, 5:07 p.m.