ChainedSuppression: Repeated GaussSuppression with forwarding of previous results

View source: R/ChainedSuppression.R

ChainedSuppressionR Documentation

Repeated GaussSuppression with forwarding of previous results


AdditionalSuppression is called several times. Each time with all previous results as suppressedData.


ChainedSuppression(..., withinArg = NULL)

ChainedSuppressionHi(..., hierarchies)

ChainedSuppressionHi1(..., hierarchies)



Arguments to AdditionalSuppression/GaussSuppressionFromData that are kept constant.


A list of named lists. Arguments to AdditionalSuppression/GaussSuppressionFromData that are not kept constant. List elements with suppressed data are also allowed.


In the wrapper ChainedSuppressionHi, this argument will be used to generate the withinArg to ChainedSuppression with the same length (see examples). Then, element number i of withinArg is list(hierarchies = hierarchies[1:i]). In the similar wrapper, ChainedSuppressionHi1, withinArg has always two elements: list(hierarchies = hierarchies[1]) and list(hierarchies = hierarchies).


List of data frames. The wrappers, ChainedSuppressionHi and ChainedSuppressionHi1, return a single data frame, which is the last list item.


z1 <- SSBtoolsData("z1")
z2 <- SSBtoolsData("z2")
z2b <- z2[3:5]
names(z2b)[1] <- "region"

# As GaussSuppressionFromData when a single element within withinArg
a1 <- ChainedSuppression(z1, 1:2, 3, maxN = 5)
a2 <- ChainedSuppression(z1, withinArg = list(list(dimVar = 1:2, freqVar = 3, maxN = 5)))
identical(a1, a2[[1]])

# b[[3]] include results from b[[1]] and b[[2]]
b <- ChainedSuppression(z1, freqVar = 3, withinArg = list(
       list(dimVar = 1,   maxN = 55), 
       list(dimVar = 2,   maxN = 55), 
       list(dimVar = 1:2, maxN = 5)))

# d[[2]] is same as b1 in AdditionalSuppression examples
d <- ChainedSuppression(withinArg = list(
       list(data = z1,  dimVar = 1:2, freqVar = 3, maxN = 5), 
       list(data = z2,  dimVar = 1:4, freqVar = 5, maxN = 1)))

# Common variable names important. 
# Therefore kostragr renamed to region in z2b. 
f <- ChainedSuppression(withinArg = list(
       list(data = z1,  dimVar = 1:2, freqVar = 3, maxN = 5), 
       list(data = z2b, dimVar = 1:2, freqVar = 3, maxN = 5), 
       list(data = z2,  dimVar = 1:4, freqVar = 5, maxN = 1)))

# Parameters so that only suppressions are forwarded. 
# This is first iteration in linked tables by iterations. 
e <- ChainedSuppression(withinArg = list(
       list(data = z1,  dimVar = 1:2, freqVar = 3, maxN = 5), 
       list(data = z2b, dimVar = 1:2, freqVar = 3, maxN = 5), 
       list(data = z2,  dimVar = 1:4, freqVar = 5, maxN = 1)), 
       makeForced = FALSE, forceNotPrimary = FALSE)
# "A" "annet"/"arbeid" could be suppressed here, but not in f since f[[1]]      
e[[3]][which(e[[3]]$suppressed != f[[3]]$suppressed), ]  

#### Demonstrate SuppressionByChainedHierarchies

dimLists <- SSBtools::FindDimLists(z2[, 4:1])

# Two ways of doing the same calculations
g1 <- ChainedSuppressionHi(z2, c(1, 3), 5, maxN = 1, hierarchies = dimLists)
g1b <-  ChainedSuppression(z2, c(1, 3), 5, maxN = 1, withinArg = list(
         list(hierarchies = dimLists[1]),
         list(hierarchies = dimLists[1:2]),
         list(hierarchies = dimLists[1:3])))[[3]]      
# Results different after combining hierarchies      
g2 <- ChainedSuppressionHi(z2, c(1, 3), 5, maxN = 1, 
         hierarchies = SSBtools::AutoHierarchies(dimLists))        
# In this case, the same results can be obtained by:         
g3 <- ChainedSuppressionHi1(z2, c(1, 3), 5, maxN = 1, hierarchies = dimLists)        

GaussSuppression documentation built on Sept. 24, 2024, 5:07 p.m.