
Defines functions ChainedSuppressionHi1 ChainedSuppressionHi ChainedSuppression

Documented in ChainedSuppression ChainedSuppressionHi ChainedSuppressionHi1

#' Repeated GaussSuppression  with forwarding of previous results
#' \code{\link{AdditionalSuppression}} is called several times. Each time with all previous  results as `suppressedData`.
#' @param ...  Arguments to `AdditionalSuppression`/`GaussSuppressionFromData` that are kept constant.
#' @param withinArg A list of named lists. Arguments to `AdditionalSuppression`/`GaussSuppressionFromData` that are not kept constant. 
#'                  List elements with suppressed data are also allowed. 
#' @return List of data frames. The wrappers, `ChainedSuppressionHi` and `ChainedSuppressionHi1`,
#'         return a single data frame, which is the last list item.
#' @export
#' @examples
#' z1 <- SSBtoolsData("z1")
#' z2 <- SSBtoolsData("z2")
#' z2b <- z2[3:5]
#' names(z2b)[1] <- "region"
#' # As GaussSuppressionFromData when a single element within withinArg
#' a1 <- ChainedSuppression(z1, 1:2, 3, maxN = 5)
#' a2 <- ChainedSuppression(z1, withinArg = list(list(dimVar = 1:2, freqVar = 3, maxN = 5)))
#' identical(a1, a2[[1]])
#' # b[[3]] include results from b[[1]] and b[[2]]
#' b <- ChainedSuppression(z1, freqVar = 3, withinArg = list(
#'        list(dimVar = 1,   maxN = 55), 
#'        list(dimVar = 2,   maxN = 55), 
#'        list(dimVar = 1:2, maxN = 5)))
#' # d[[2]] is same as b1 in AdditionalSuppression examples
#' d <- ChainedSuppression(withinArg = list(
#'        list(data = z1,  dimVar = 1:2, freqVar = 3, maxN = 5), 
#'        list(data = z2,  dimVar = 1:4, freqVar = 5, maxN = 1)))
#' # Common variable names important. 
#' # Therefore kostragr renamed to region in z2b. 
#' f <- ChainedSuppression(withinArg = list(
#'        list(data = z1,  dimVar = 1:2, freqVar = 3, maxN = 5), 
#'        list(data = z2b, dimVar = 1:2, freqVar = 3, maxN = 5), 
#'        list(data = z2,  dimVar = 1:4, freqVar = 5, maxN = 1)))
#' # Parameters so that only suppressions are forwarded. 
#' # This is first iteration in linked tables by iterations. 
#' e <- ChainedSuppression(withinArg = list(
#'        list(data = z1,  dimVar = 1:2, freqVar = 3, maxN = 5), 
#'        list(data = z2b, dimVar = 1:2, freqVar = 3, maxN = 5), 
#'        list(data = z2,  dimVar = 1:4, freqVar = 5, maxN = 1)), 
#'        makeForced = FALSE, forceNotPrimary = FALSE)
#' # "A" "annet"/"arbeid" could be suppressed here, but not in f since f[[1]]      
#' e[[3]][which(e[[3]]$suppressed != f[[3]]$suppressed), ]  
#' #### Demonstrate SuppressionByChainedHierarchies
#' dimLists <- SSBtools::FindDimLists(z2[, 4:1])
#' # Two ways of doing the same calculations
#' g1 <- ChainedSuppressionHi(z2, c(1, 3), 5, maxN = 1, hierarchies = dimLists)
#' g1b <-  ChainedSuppression(z2, c(1, 3), 5, maxN = 1, withinArg = list(
#'          list(hierarchies = dimLists[1]),
#'          list(hierarchies = dimLists[1:2]),
#'          list(hierarchies = dimLists[1:3])))[[3]]      
#' # Results different after combining hierarchies      
#' g2 <- ChainedSuppressionHi(z2, c(1, 3), 5, maxN = 1, 
#'          hierarchies = SSBtools::AutoHierarchies(dimLists))        
#' # In this case, the same results can be obtained by:         
#' g3 <- ChainedSuppressionHi1(z2, c(1, 3), 5, maxN = 1, hierarchies = dimLists)        
ChainedSuppression <- function(..., withinArg = NULL) {
  if (is.null(withinArg)) {
  if (!is.null(withinArg)) {
    if (!is.list(withinArg)) {
      stop("withinArg must be a list when non-NULL")
  parentFrame <- parent.frame()
  sysCall <- sys.call()
  sysCall[[1]] <- as.name("AdditionalSuppression")
  sysCall[["withinArg"]] <- NULL
  sysCall <- as.list(sysCall)
  for (i in seq_along(withinArg)) {
    if (is.null(names(withinArg[[i]]))) {
      if (!is.data.frame(withinArg[[i]])) {
        stop("non-named element of withinArg must be a data frame")
    } else {
      withinArg[[i]] <- eval(as.call(c(sysCall, list(suppressedData = withinArg[seq_len(i - 1)]), withinArg[[i]])), envir = parentFrame)

#' @rdname ChainedSuppression
#' @param hierarchies In the wrapper `ChainedSuppressionHi`, this argument will be used to generate the 
#'                    `withinArg` to `ChainedSuppression` with the same length (see examples).
#'                    Then, element number `i` of `withinArg` is `list(hierarchies = hierarchies[1:i])`. 
#'                    In the similar wrapper, `ChainedSuppressionHi1`, `withinArg` has always two elements: 
#'                    `list(hierarchies = hierarchies[1])` and 
#'                    `list(hierarchies = hierarchies)`. 
#' @export
ChainedSuppressionHi <- function(..., hierarchies) {
  n <- length(hierarchies)
  withinArg <- vector("list", n)
  for (i in seq_len(n)) {
    withinArg[[i]] <- list(hierarchies = hierarchies[seq_len(i)])
  ChainedSuppression(..., withinArg = withinArg)[[n]]

#' @rdname ChainedSuppression
#' @export
ChainedSuppressionHi1 <- function(..., hierarchies) {
  withinArg <- vector("list", 2)
  withinArg[[1]] <- list(hierarchies = hierarchies[1])
  withinArg[[2]] <- list(hierarchies = hierarchies)
  ChainedSuppression(..., withinArg = withinArg)[[2]]


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GaussSuppression documentation built on Sept. 24, 2024, 5:07 p.m.