
#' Lines method for GeDS objects. Adds a GeDS curve to an existing plot.
#' @aliases lines.GeDS
#' @param x a \code{\link{GeDS-Class}} object from which the GeDS fit should be extracted.
#' @param n integer value (2, 3 or 4) specifying the order (\eqn{=} degree \eqn{+ 1}) of the GeDS fit that should be plotted.
#' By default equal to \code{3L}.
#' Non-integer values will be passed to the function \code{\link{as.integer}}.
#' @param transform a function that can be used to transform the scale of the Y axis. Typically it can be the
#' inverse of the link function if the plot is on the scale of the response variable.
#' @param onlySpline logical variable specifying whether only the spline component of the
#' fitted GeDS predictor model  should be plotted or alternatively also the parametric component
#' (see \code{\link[=formula.GeDS]{formula}}) should be plotted.
#' @param data an optional \code{data.frame}, \code{list} or \code{environment} containing values
#'  of the independent variables for  which the GeDS predicted values should be plotted.
#' If left empty the values are extracted from the object \code{x} itself.
#' @param ... further arguments to be passed to the default
#' \code{\link[graphics]{lines}} function.
#' @details This method can be used to add a curve corresponding to a particular GeDS fit to an active plot.
#' As GeDS objects contain three different fits (linear, quadratic and cubic), it is possible
#' to specify the order of the GeDS regression to be plotted via the input argument \code{n}.
#' @seealso \code{\link[graphics]{lines}} for the definition of the generic function;
#' \code{\link{NGeDS}} and \code{\link{GGeDS}} for examples.
#' @examples
#' # Generate a data sample for the response variable
#' # Y and the single covariate X
#' set.seed(123)
#' N <- 500
#' f_1 <- function(x) (10*x/(1+100*x^2))*4+4
#' X <- sort(runif(N, min = -2, max = 2))
#' # Specify a model for the mean of Y to include only a component
#' # non-linear in X, defined by the function f_1
#' means <- f_1(X)
#' # Add (Normal) noise to the mean of Y
#' Y <- rnorm(N, means, sd = 0.1)
#' # Fit a GeDS regression model using NGeDS
#' (Gmod <- NGeDS(Y ~ f(X), beta = 0.6, phi = 0.995, Xextr = c(-2,2)))
#' # Plot the GeDS third order fit (the quadratic one)
#' # without its corresponding Polygon
#' plot(Gmod, type = "none")
#' # Add a curve corresponding to the second order fit (the linear one)
#' lines(Gmod, n = 2, col = "green", lwd = 2, lty = 3)
#' @export
setMethod("lines", signature(x = "GeDS"),  function(x , n=3L, transform = function(x) x, onlySpline = TRUE, data = data.frame(), ...){

  object <- x
  if(object$Type== "LM - Biv") stop("Works only with univariate spline objects")
  extr <- object$Args$extr
  n <- as.integer(n)
  if(!(n %in% 2L:4L)) {
    n <- 3L
    warning("'n' incorrectly specified. Set to 3.")
  if(n == 3L){
    temp <- object$Quadratic
  if(n == 4L){
    temp <- object$Cubic
  if(n == 2L){
    temp <- object$Linear
  kn <- knots.GeDS(Fn = object, n = n, options= "internal")
  fitters <- F
  if(is.null(object$terms)) fitters <- T
    Predicted <- temp$Predicted
    Xvalues <- object$Args$X
  } else {
      dati2 <- read.formula(object$Formula,data)
      Xvalues <- dati2$X
      mm <- splineDesign(knots=sort(c(kn,rep(extr,n))),
                         derivs=rep(0,length(Xvalues)),x=Xvalues,ord=n,outer.ok = T)
      if(!onlySpline & !is.null(object$Args$Z))
        mm <- cbind(mm,dati2$Z)
      offset <- if(!onlySpline & !is.null(object$Args$offset))
        dati2$offset else
    } else {
      Xvalues <- object$Args$X
      if(onlySpline & length(unique(Xvalues))<1000) {
        step <- (range(extr)[2]-range(extr)[1])/(1000)
        step <- rep(step,(1000))
        Xvalues <- min(extr)+c(0,cumsum(step))
      mm <- splineDesign(knots=sort(c(kn,rep(extr,n))),
                         derivs=rep(0,length(Xvalues)),x=Xvalues,ord=n,outer.ok = T)
      if(!onlySpline & !is.null(object$Args$Z))
        mm <- cbind(mm,object$Args$Z)
      offset <- if(!onlySpline & !is.null(object$Args$offset))
        object$Args$offset else
    th <- coef.GeDS(object, n=n, onlySpline = onlySpline)
    Predicted <- mm%*%th + offset}

  Predicted <- transform(Predicted)

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GeDS documentation built on May 2, 2019, 12:36 p.m.