
Defines functions exact.mrf

Documented in exact.mrf

exact.mrf <- function(h, w, param, ncolors = 2, nei = 4, pot = NULL, 
                      top = NULL, left = NULL, bottom = NULL, 
                      right = NULL, corner = NULL, view = FALSE){
  # checking parameters
    stop('argument "h" is missing with no default')
    stop('argument "w" is missing with no default')
  if(w < h){
    stop('incorrect arguments values. "h <= w" is mandatory')
  if(ncolors^h > 2^19){
    stop('incorrect argument value. "ncolors^h < 33 554 432" is mandatory')
    stop('argument "param" is missing with no default')
  } else {
    if (nei == 4){
      if (length(param) != 1 & length(param)!= 2){
        stop('incorrect argument value. "param" has to be scalar (isotropic interaction)
             or of size 2 (anisotropic interaction)')
    } else {
      if (length(param) != 1 & length(param)!= 4){
        stop('incorrect argument value. "param" has to be scalar (isotropic interaction)
               or of size 4 (anisotropic interaction)')
  if (nei != 4 & nei != 8){
    stop('incorrect argument values. Allowed values for "nei" are 4 or 8')
  if (nei == 4){
    param <- param*c(1., 1., 0., 0.)
  } else {
    param <- param*c(1., 1., 1., 1.)
  # Init. the graph and set the borders
  if (is.null(pot)){
    myBlock <- new(Block, h, w, ncolors, nei, param)
  } else {
    if (length(pot) != ncolors){
      stop('incorrect size for argument "pot". Length of "pot" should be "ncolors" = ', ncolors)
    myBlock <- new(Block, h, w, ncolors, nei, param, pot)
  if(is.null(top) & is.null(left) & is.null(bottom) & is.null(right) & is.null(corner)){
    Z <- myBlock$recursion.mem()
  } else {
    # setting artificial borders if needed
    if (is.null(top)){
      top <- as.vector(rep(ncolors,w))
    } else {
      if (length(top) != w){
        stop('incorrect size for argument "top". Length of "top" should be "w" = ',w)
    if (is.null(left)){
      left <- as.vector(rep(ncolors,h))
    } else {
      if (length(left) != h){
        stop('incorrect size for argument "left". Length of "left" should be "h" = ', h)
    if (missing(bottom)){
      bottom <- as.vector(rep(ncolors,w))
    } else {
      if (length(bottom) != w){
        stop('incorrect size for argument "bottom". Length of "bottom" should be "w" = ', w)
    if (is.null(right)){
      right <- as.vector(rep(ncolors,h))
    } else {
      if (length(right) != h){
        stop('incorrect size for argument "right". Length of "right" should be "h" = ', h)
    if (is.null(corner)){
      corner <- as.vector(rep(ncolors,4))
    } else {
      if (length(corner) != 4){
        stop('incorrect size for argument "corner". Length of "corner" should be ', 4)
    myBorder <- new(Border, h, w, nei, param)
    myBorder$setBorders(top, left, bottom, right, corner)
    Z <- myBlock$recursion.cond.mem(myBorder)
    myBlock$sampleCond(Z, myBorder)
  img <- myBlock$vertices()
  img <- matrix(img, h, w)
  if (view){
    image(img, col = grey(0:255/255), axes = FALSE)
    box(col = "grey50", lwd = 2)

sampler.mrf <- function(iter, sampler = "Gibbs", h, w, param, ncolors = 2, nei = 4, 
                        pot = NULL, top = NULL, left = NULL, 
                        bottom = NULL, right = NULL, corner = NULL, 
                        initialise = TRUE, random = TRUE, view = FALSE){
  # checking parameters
    stop('\n argument "iter" is missing with no default')
  if(!sampler %in% c("Gibbs", "SW")){
    stop('\n argument "sampler" is not valid. The latter must be one of "Gibbs" or "SW"')
    stop('\n argument "h" is missing with no default')
    stop('\n argument "w" is missing with no default')
    stop('argument "param" is missing with no default')
  } else {
    if (length(param) != 1){
      stop('incorrect argument value. "param" has to be scalar')
  if (nei != 4 & nei != 8){
    stop('incorrect argument values. Allowed values for "nei" are 4 or 8')
  if (nei == 4){
    param <- param*c(1., 1., 0., 0.)
  } else {
    param <- param*c(1., 1., 1., 1.)
  # Init. the graph and set the borders
  if (is.null(pot)){
    myLattice <- new(Lattice, h, w, ncolors, nei, param)
  } else {
    if (length(pot) != ncolors){
      stop('incorrect size for argument "pot". Length of "pot" should be "ncolors" = ', ncolors)
    myLattice <- new(Lattice, h, w, ncolors, nei, param, pot)
  if(is.null(top) & is.null(left) & is.null(bottom) & is.null(right) & is.null(corner)){
    if(sampler == "Gibbs"){
      myLattice$GibbsSampler(iter, random, initialise)
    } else {
      myLattice$SWSampler(iter, initialise)
  } else {
    # setting artificial borders if needed
    if (is.null(top)){
      top <- as.vector(rep(ncolors,w))
    } else {
      if (length(top) != w){
        stop('incorrect size for argument "top". Length of "top" should be "w" = ',w)
    if (is.null(left)){
      left <- as.vector(rep(ncolors,h))
    } else {
      if (length(left) != h){
        stop('incorrect size for argument "left". Length of "left" should be "h" = ', h)
    if (missing(bottom)){
      bottom <- as.vector(rep(ncolors,w))
    } else {
      if (length(bottom) != w){
        stop('incorrect size for argument "bottom". Length of "bottom" should be "w" = ', w)
    if (is.null(right)){
      right <- as.vector(rep(ncolors,h))
    } else {
      if (length(right) != h){
        stop('incorrect size for argument "right". Length of "right" should be "h" = ', h)
    if (is.null(corner)){
      corner <- as.vector(rep(ncolors,4))
    } else {
      if (length(corner) != 4){
        stop('incorrect size for argument "corner". Length of "corner" should be ', 4)
    myBorder <- new(Border, h, w, nei, param)
    myBorder$setBorders(top, left, bottom, right, corner)
    if(sampler == "Gibbs"){
      myLattice$GibbsSamplerCond(iter, myBorder, random, initialise)
    } else {
      myLattice$SWSamplerCond(iter, myBorder, initialise)
  img <- myLattice$vertices()
  img <- matrix(img, h, w)
  if (view){
    image(img, col = grey(0:255/255), axes = FALSE)
    box(col = "grey50", lwd = 2)

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GiRaF documentation built on Oct. 23, 2020, 6:07 p.m.