Man pages for HDSpatialScan
Multivariate and Functional Spatial Scan Statistics

clustersCreation of the matrix of potential clusters
DFFSSDFFSS scan procedure
dfreeIndex for the UG scan procedure
dfree_index_multiIndex for the MDFFSS scan procedure
FinScanFinalization of the scan procedures
fmulti_dataMultivariate functional data
funi_dataUnivariate functional data
HDSpatialScan-packageMultivariate and Functional Spatial Scan Statistics
InitScanInitalization of the scan procedures by creating the matrix...
map_sitesSpatial object corresponding to the sites of the data of the...
MDFFSSMDFFSS scan procedure
MGMG scan procedure
MNPMNP scan procedure
MPFSSMPFSS scan procedure
MRBFSSMRBFSS scan procedure
multi_dataMultivariate non-functional data
multi_fWMWIndex for the NPFSS scan procedure (multivariate functional...
multi_gaussianIndex for the MG scan procedure
multi_signs_matrixList of matrix of signs (multivariate functional data)
multi_WMWIndex for the MNP scan procedure
non_overlapReturn only the detected clusters with no overlapping in...
NPFSSNPFSS scan procedure (univariate functional or multivariate...
permutatePermutates the data
PFSSPFSS scan procedure
plotCurvesGeneric function to plot curves
plotCurves.ResScanOutputMultiFunctPlots the curves in the clusters detected by the multivariate...
plotCurves.ResScanOutputUniFunctPlots the curves in the clusters detected by the univariate...
plot_mapMap of circular clusters
plot_map2Map of the clusters
plot.ResScanOutputSchema or map of the clusters
plot_schemaSchema of the clusters
plotSummaryGeneric function to plot a summary
plotSummary.ResScanOutputMultiPlots the mean or median spider chart of the clusters...
plotSummary.ResScanOutputMultiFunctPlots the mean or median curves in the clusters detected by a...
plotSummary.ResScanOutputUniFunctPlots the mean or median curves in the clusters detected by a...
pointwise_dfreeIndex for the DFFSS scan procedure
pointwise_wmw_multiIndex for the MRBFSS scan procedure
pointwise_wmw_uniIndex for the URBFSS scan procedure
post_filt_areaA posteriori filtering on the area
post_filt_nb_sitesA posteriori filtering on the number of sites/individuals
post_filt_radiusA posteriori filtering on the radius
print.ResScanOutputPrints a result of a scan procedure
ResScanOutputConstructor function for objects of the ResScanOutput class
ResScanOutputMultiConstructor function for objects of the ResScanOutputMulti...
ResScanOutputMultiFunctConstructor function for objects of the...
ResScanOutputUniConstructor function for objects of the ResScanOutputUni...
ResScanOutputUniFunctConstructor function for objects of the ResScanOutputUniFunct...
SpatialScanSpatial scan procedure
summary.ResScanOutputMultiSummary of the clusters obtained with a multivariate scan...
summary.ResScanOutputMultiFunctSummary of the clusters obtained with a multivariate...
summary.ResScanOutputUniSummary of the clusters obtained with a univariate scan...
summary.ResScanOutputUniFunctSummary of the clusters obtained with a univariate functional...
transform_dataComputation of the multivariate functional ranks
UGUG scan procedure
uni_fWMWIndex for the NPFSS scan procedure (univariate functional...
uni_signs_matrixComputation of the matrix of signs
UNPUNP scan procedure
URBFSSURBFSS scan procedure
wmw_uniIndex for the UNP scan procedure
HDSpatialScan documentation built on May 31, 2023, 7:52 p.m.