
Defines functions comp_loss comp_amlp evaluate_pred

Documented in evaluate_pred

#' Evaluate Prediction Results
#' This function compares the prediction results returned by a classifier with ground truth, 
#' and finally gives a summary of the evaluation.
#' @param y.pred A matrix of predicted probabilities, as returned by a classifier.
#' @param y.true Ground truth labels vector.
#' @param caseid The names of test cases which we take account of. By default all test cases are used for evaluation.
#' @param showplot Logical; if \code{TRUE}, a summary plot will be generated.
#' @param ... Not used.    
#' @return A summary of evaluation result.
#' @export
evaluate_pred <- function(y.pred, y.true, caseid = names(y.true), showplot = TRUE, ...)
  if (is.null(caseid))
    caseid <- 1:length(y.true)
  C <- ncol(y.pred)
  values_pred <- apply(y.pred, 1, which.max)
  if (min(y.true) == 0) y.true <- y.true + 1
  table_eval <- data.frame(caseid, y.true, y.pred, 1 * (values_pred != y.true))
  colnames(table_eval) <- c("Case ID", "True Label", paste ("Pred. Prob", 1:C), "Wrong?")
  eval_tab_pred(table_eval, showplot = showplot)

probs_attrue_bplr <- function (probs_pred, y)
  tp <- rep(0, nrow(probs_pred))
  for(i in 1:nrow(probs_pred)) 
    tp[i] <- probs_pred[i, y[i]]


#' @importFrom utils read.table
#' @import grDevices graphics
eval_tab_pred <- function (table_eval, showplot = TRUE, method = "Prediction", ...)
  if (is.character (table_eval)) 
    table_eval <- as.matrix (read.table (table_eval))
  C <- ncol (table_eval) - 3
  colnames (table_eval) <- c("Case ID", "True Label", paste ("Pred. Prob", 1:C), "Wrong?")
  probs_pred <- table_eval [, 2+(1:C)]
  y <- table_eval[,2]
  probs_at_truelabels <- probs_attrue_bplr (probs_pred, y)
  which.wrong <- which (table_eval[,C+3] == 1)
  n <- nrow (table_eval)
  amlp <- - mean (log (probs_at_truelabels))
  no_errors <- sum (table_eval[, C+3])
  er <- no_errors/n
  yl <- y; if (C == 2) yl[y==2] <- 3
  plotargs <- list (...)
  if (is.null (plotargs$ylab)) 
    plotargs$ylab <- "Predictive Prob at True Label"
  if (is.null (plotargs$xlab)) plotargs$xlab <- "Case Index"
  if (is.null (plotargs$ylim)) plotargs$ylim <- c(0,1)
  if (is.null (plotargs$pch)) plotargs$pch <- yl   
  if (is.null (plotargs$col)) plotargs$col <- 1+table_eval[, C+3]   
  if (showplot)
    plotargs$x <- probs_at_truelabels
    do.call (plot, plotargs)   
    if (C == 2) abline (h = 0.5)
    abline (h = 0.1,lty = 2)
    title (main = sprintf ("%s: AMLP = %5.3f, Error Rate = %4.2f%% (%d/%d)", 
                           method,amlp, er*100, no_errors, n), 
           cex = 0.8, line = 0.5) 
    # if (no_errors > 0) {   
    #   text (which.wrong, probs_at_truelabels[which.wrong], labels = which.wrong,
    #         srt = 90, adj = - 0.4, cex = 0.9, col = "red")
    # }
  list ("prob_at_truelabels" = probs_at_truelabels, 
        "table_eval" = table_eval,  
        "amlp" = amlp, 
        "err_rate" = er, 
        "which.wrong" = which.wrong)

# plot_features <- function (X, features, predfile = NULL, colcases = NULL, ...)
# {
#     n <- nrow (X)
# 	if (is.null (colcases)) {
# 		if (!is.null (predfile))
# 		{
# 		    which.wrong <- eval_pred (predfile, showplot = FALSE)$which.wrong
# 		    colcases <- rep (1, n)
# 		    colcases [which.wrong] <- 2
# 		}
# 		else 
# 		{
# 		    which.wrong <- NULL
# 		    colcases <- rep (1,n)
# 		}
#     }
#     if (length (features) == 2)
#     {
#         plot (X[,features], col = colcases, xlab = "", ylab = "", ...)
#         title (xlab = sprintf ("Expression Level of Gene %d", features[1])) 
#         title (ylab = sprintf ("Expression Level of Gene %d", features[2])) 
#         title( main = sprintf("Scatterplot of Genes %d and %d", 
#                               features[1],features[2]), line = 0.5)
#         for (i in which.wrong)
#         {
#             text (X[i,features[1]], X[i, features[2]], i, 
#             srt =90, adj = 1.5, col = "red",  cex = 0.8)
#         }
#     }
#     if (length (features) == 1)
#     {
#         plot (X[,features],col = colcases, xlab = "", ylab = "", ...)
#         title (xlab = "Case Index", line = 2)
#         title (ylab = sprintf ("Expression Level of Gene %d", features))
#         for (i in which.wrong)
#         {
#             text (i,X[i,features],i,srt=90,adj = -0.4,col="red",cex = 0.8)
#         }
#     }
#     if (length (features) == 3)
#     {
#       scatterplot3d (X[,features[1]], X[,features[2]], X[,features[3]],
#       xlab = paste ("Gene", features[1]), 
#       ylab = paste ("Gene", features[2]), 
#       zlab = paste ("Gene", features[3]), 
#       main = sprintf("3D Scatterplot of Genes %d, %d and %d", 
#                      features [1], features [2], features [3] ),
#       color = colcases,...)
#     }
# }

#import grDevices
# compare2 <- function (a1, a2, m1, m2, item, filename = item, sign = FALSE, ...)
# {
#     psfile <- sprintf ("%s.ps", filename)
#     postscript (file = psfile, title = psfile,
#                 paper = "special", width = 5, height = 5, horizontal = F)
#     par (mar = c(4,4,2,0.5))
#     if (!sign)  xlim <- range (a1, a2)
#     else {
#         xlim <- max (abs(range (a1, a2, na.rm = TRUE, finite = TRUE)))
#         xlim <- c(-xlim, +xlim)
#     }
#     plot (a1, a2,  xlim = xlim, ylim = xlim,
#           main = sprintf("%s by %s and %s", item, m1, m2),
#           xlab = m1, ylab = m2, ...)
#     abline (a = 0, b = 1, col = "grey")
#     if (sign) abline (a = 0, b = -1, col = "grey")
#     dev.off()
# }

comp_amlp <- function(probs_pred, y)
    mlp <- rep(0, nrow(probs_pred))
    for(i in 1:nrow(probs_pred))
        mlp[i] <- log(probs_pred[i,y[i]])

    - mean(mlp)

## Mloss -- a matrix specifying losses, with row for true values, and
## column for predicted values.
comp_loss <- function(probs_pred, y, Mloss = NULL)
     G <- ncol (probs_pred)

     if (is.null (Mloss))
        Mloss <- matrix(1,G,G)
        diag(Mloss) <- 0

     loss_pred <- probs_pred %*% Mloss
     y_pred <- apply(loss_pred,1,which.min)

     loss <- 0
     for(i in 1:nrow(probs_pred)) {
         loss <- loss + Mloss[y[i],y_pred[i]]

     loss / length (y)

### old not used any more functions
#if (FALSE)

### partition all cases into nfold subsets
### This function partitions a set of observations into subsets of almost
### equal size. The result is used in crossvalidation
#mk_folds <- function(y, nfold = 10, random = TRUE)
#    n <- length (y)
#    nos_g <- table (y)
#    G <- length (nos_g)
#    nfold <- min (nfold, nos_g)

#    folds <- rep (0, n)
#    for (g in 1:G)
#    {
#        ng <- nos_g [g]
#        m <- ceiling (ng/nfold)

#        if (random)
#        {
#            gfolds <- c( replicate (m, sample (1:nfold) ) ) [1:ng]
#        }
#        else
#        {
#            gfolds <- rep (1:nfold, m)[1:ng]
#        }
#        folds [y == g] <- gfolds
#    }
#    ## create fold list 
#    foldlist <- rep (list (""),nfold)
#    for (i in 1:nfold)
#    {
#        foldlist [[i]] <- which (folds == i)
#    }
#    foldlist
# }

##################### a generic crossvalidation function ####################
### X --- features with rows for cases
### y --- a vector of response values
### nfold --- number of folds in cross validation
###  trpr_fn --- function for training and prediction:
###  the arguments of trpr_fn must include X_tr, y_tr, X_ts
###  the outputs of trpr_fn must include probs_pred
### ... --- other arguments needed by trpr_fn other than X_tr, y_tr, X_ts
#cross_vld <- function (
#     trpr_fn, folds = NULL, nfold = 10, X, y,randomcv = TRUE, ...)
#  if (!is.matrix(X)) stop ("'X' must be a matrix with rows for cases")

#  n <- nrow(X)
#  nos_g <- as.vector (tapply (rep(1,n), INDEX = y, sum))
#  if (any(nos_g < 2)) stop ("less than 2 cases in some group in your data")
#  G <- length (nos_g)

#  if (is.null (folds)) folds <- mk_folds (y, nfold)
#  nfold <- length (folds)

#  array_probs_pred <- NULL
#  vector_ts <- NULL

#  for (i_fold in 1:nfold)
#  {
#      cat ( "=============== CV: Fold",i_fold, "===============\n")
#      ts <- folds [[i_fold]]
#      vector_ts <- c (vector_ts, ts)
#      tr <- (1:n)[- (ts)]

#      array_probs_pred <- abind ( array_probs_pred,
#        trpr_fn (
#            X_tr = X[tr,, drop = FALSE], y_tr = y[tr],
#            X_ts = X[ts,, drop = FALSE], ...)$array_probs_pred,
#        along = 1)
#  }

#  ## make the order of cases in array_probs_pred is the same as X
#  array_probs_pred <- array_probs_pred [order (vector_ts),,,drop = FALSE]

#  list (folds = folds, array_probs_pred = array_probs_pred)


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