
`myHTMLInitFile` <- function #Begins / Ends a new HTML report output
###Those two functions handle the beginning and the ending of a HTML report, by writing the
###HTML <body><head><title></title></head>...</body> tags and their options. When working manually, the user may need to use it's own functions or to explicitly write to a file using cat("", file=).
  outdir = tempdir(),  ##<< directory to store the output
  filename = "index",  ##<< target HTML report filename
  extension = "html",  ##<< target HTML report extension (htm, html,...)
  HTMLframe = TRUE,  ##<< should the output be handled by frames [boolean]
  BackGroundColor = "FFFFFF", ##<< option bgcolor for HTML tag <body>
  BackGroundImg = "",  ##<< option background for HTML tag <body>
  Title = "R output",  ##<< string to pass to HTML <title> tag
  NavTitle = "",  ##<< title of navigation page
  CSSFile = "R2HTML.css",  ##<< path and name of a CSS file to use
  useLaTeX = TRUE,  ##<< boolean - add required references to javascript AsciiMathML in order to use \code{as.latex}
  useGrid = TRUE,  ##<< boolean - add required references to javascript grid in order to use R2HTML grid functions
  img.logo.path =paste(Sys.getenv("HOME"), "/public_html/",sep=""),  ##<< path to search for the logo pic in the frame
  img.logo = "logo-SenseNetworks.png", ##<< filename of logo to display, if NULL no logo to display!
  img.href= 'http://www.sensenetworks.com',  ##<< link of logo to point to.
  JSCPATH = NULL,  ##<< directory that contains the javascript code
  APPEND = FALSE,  ##<< append to existing HTML page ?
  REFRESH = "" ##<< Meta refresh is a method of instructing a web browser to automatically refresh the current web page after a given time interval.
	if (APPEND){
	    filemenu <- paste(filename, "_menu.", extension, sep = "")
        filemain <- paste(filename, "_main.", extension, sep = "")
        absfilemenu <- file.path(outdir, filemenu)
        file <- absfilemain <- file.path(outdir, filemain)
        absfileindex <- file.path(outdir, paste(filename, ".",
            extension, sep = ""))
        #cat(filemenu, filemain, absfilemenu, file, absfileindex);
        #assign(".HTML.file", absfilemain, envir = .GlobalEnv);
        #invisible(return(c(targetmain = file, targetmenu=paste(outdir,filemenu,sep=""), target= paste(outdir, filename,".",extension, sep = ""))));
        invisible(return(c(targetmain = file, targetmenu=filemenu, target= paste(filename,".",extension, sep = ""))));

 	ret <- try(tmp <- system("uname",TRUE));
        if (is(ret,"try-error"))
	  if (tmp == "Linux") {#means we have a Web server
		img.logo.path = paste("/~", system("whoami",TRUE),"/",sep="");#"/~markus/"
	 if (!is.null(img.logo)) img.logo = paste(img.logo.path, img.logo, sep="")
    if (HTMLframe == FALSE) {
        file <- file.path(outdir, paste(filename, ".", extension,
            sep = ""))
        #assign(".HTML.file", file, envir = .GlobalEnv)
        txt <- ifelse(useLaTeX, "<html xmlns:mml=\"http://www.w3.org/1998/Math/MathML\">",
            "<html xmlns=\"http://www.w3.org/1999/xhtml\" \n  xml:lang=\"en\">")
        txt <- c(txt, "<head>")
        txt <- c(txt, paste("<title>", Title, "</title>"))
        txt <- c(txt, paste("<link rel=stylesheet href=\"", CSSFile,
            "\" type=text/css>", sep = ""))
        if (useLaTeX)
            txt <- c(txt, "<object id=\"mathplayer\" classid=\"clsid:32F66A20-7614-11D4-BD11-00104BD3F987\"></object>\n<?import namespace=\"mml\" implementation=\"#mathplayer\"?>\n<script type=\"text/javascript\" src=\"ASCIIMathML.js\"></script>")
        if (useGrid) {
            txt <- c(txt, HTMLgrid_references())
            txt <- c(txt, "<script>\n   nequations=0;\n</script>")
        txt <- c(txt, "</head>")
        body <- c("<body")
        if (useLaTeX)
            body = c(body, " onload=\"translate()\"")
        body = c(body, paste(" bgcolor=", BackGroundColor))
        if (!is.null(BackGroundImg))
            body = c(body, paste(" background=\"", BackGroundImg,
                "\"", sep = ""))
        body <- c(body, " >")
        body = paste(body, collapse = "")
        txt <- c(txt, body)
        txt <- paste(txt, collapse = "\n")
        cat(txt, file = file, append = FALSE)
    else {
        filemenu <- paste(filename, "_menu.", extension, sep = "")
        filemain <- paste(filename, "_main.", extension, sep = "")
        absfilemenu <- file.path(outdir, filemenu)
        file <- absfilemain <- file.path(outdir, filemain)
        absfileindex <- file.path(outdir, paste(filename, ".",
            extension, sep = ""))
        #cat(filemenu, filemain, absfilemenu, file, absfileindex);
        #assign(".HTML.file", absfilemain, envir = .GlobalEnv);
        if (is.numeric(REFRESH)) REFRESH <- paste('<meta http-equiv="refresh" content="',REFRESH,'" />',sep="");
        cat(paste("<html><head>\t\n <title>", Title, "</title>\n <meta http-equiv=content-type content=text/html;charset=iso-8859-1>\n ", REFRESH ," </head> \n <frameset cols=250,* border=1 frameborder=yes><frame src=",
            filemenu, " name=menu scrolling=yes><frame src=",
            filemain, " name=main scrolling=yes></frameset> \n </html>"),
            append = FALSE, sep = "", file = absfileindex)
        if (!is.null(img.logo)){
         if (nchar(img.href[1])==0){
        	IMGSTRING <- paste("<img src='",img.logo[1],"' width = 150>",sep="");
        	if (length(img.logo) > 1)
        	  for (jjj in 2:length(img.logo)) IMGSTRING <- c(IMGSTRING, paste("<img src='",img.logo[jjj],"' width = 150>",sep=""));
        } else {
        	IMGSTRING <- paste("<a href='",img.href[1],"'> <img src='",img.logo[1],"' width = 150> </a>",sep="");
        	if (length(img.logo) > 1) {
        	  if (length(img.href) != length(img.logo)) img.href <- rep(img.href, length(img.logo))
        	  for (jjj in 2:length(img.logo)) IMGSTRING <- c(IMGSTRING, paste("<a href='",img.href[jjj],"'> <img src='",img.logo[jjj],"' width = 150> </a>",sep=""));
        cat("<html><head><link rel=stylesheet href=", CSSFile,
            " type=text/css> </head><body bgcolor=\"#E5F5FF\">  <center> ",IMGSTRING," <hr size=1></center><br>",
            sep = "", append = FALSE, file = absfilemenu)
        txt <- ifelse(useLaTeX, "<html xmlns:mml=\"http://www.w3.org/1998/Math/MathML\">",
        txt <- c(txt, "<head>")
        txt <- c(txt, paste("<title>", Title, "</title>"))
        txt <- c(txt, paste("<link rel=stylesheet href=\"", CSSFile,
            "\" type=text/css>", sep = ""))
        if (useLaTeX)
            txt <- c(txt, "<object id=\"mathplayer\" classid=\"clsid:32F66A20-7614-11D4-BD11-00104BD3F987\"></object>\n<?import namespace=\"mml\" implementation=\"#mathplayer\"?>\n<script type=\"text/javascript\" src=\"ASCIIMathML.js\"></script>")
        if (useGrid) {
            txt <- c(txt, HTMLgrid_references())
            txt <- c(txt, "<script>\n   nequations=0;\n</script>")
        if (!is.null(JSCPATH))
           txt <- c(txt, paste('\n <link rel=\"stylesheet\" type=\"text/css\" href=\"',JSCPATH,'/jsComponents.css\" />
  <script type=\"text/javascript\" src=\"',JSCPATH,'/extra/jsRegionChart.js\"> </script>
  <script type=\"text/javascript\" src=\"',JSCPATH,'/extra/jsBarChart.js\"> </script>
  <script type=\"text/javascript\" src=\"',JSCPATH,'/jsComponents.js\"> </script>
  <script type=\"text/javascript\" src=\"',JSCPATH,'/extra/jsDebugger.js\"></script>
  <script type=\"text/javascript\" src=\"',JSCPATH,'/extra/jsDebuggerTools.js\"></script>
  <script type=\"text/javascript\" src=\"',JSCPATH,'/extra/jsHelloWorld.js\"></script>
  <link rel=\"stylesheet\" type=\"text/css\" href=\"',JSCPATH,'/extra/jsDebugger.css\" />
  <link rel=\"stylesheet\" type=\"text/css\" href=\"',JSCPATH,'/extra/jsHelloWorld.css\" />
<meta http-equiv=\"Content-Type\" content=\"text/html; charset=iso-8859-1\" />
<meta http-equiv=\"Content-Style-Type\" content=\"text/css\" />',sep=""))
        txt <- c(txt, "</head>")
        body <- c("<body")
        if (useLaTeX)
            body = c(body, " onload=\"translate()\"")
        body = c(body, paste(" bgcolor=", BackGroundColor))
        if (!is.null(BackGroundImg))
            body = c(body, paste(" background=\"", BackGroundImg,
                "\"", sep = ""))
        body <- c(body, " >")
        body = paste(body, collapse = "")
        txt <- c(txt, body)
        txt <- paste(txt, collapse = "\n")
        cat(txt, file = absfilemain, append = FALSE)
    if (HTMLframe){
      outdir <- makePathName(outdir);
      invisible(return(c(targetmain = file, targetmenu=paste(outdir,filemenu,sep=""), target= paste(outdir, filename,".",extension, sep = ""))));
    } else {

Try the HTMLUtils package in your browser

Any scripts or data that you put into this service are public.

HTMLUtils documentation built on June 11, 2022, 5:06 p.m.