
# Define UI for app that draws a histogram ----
ui <- fluidPage(

  # App title ----
  #titlePanel("Simulate consumer host-switching"),
  HTML("<h3>Simulate consumer host-switching</h3>"),
  div(id = "app_info", class = "collapse out",
      p("This visualisation is based on a Host Switch simulation model. See:"),
      #tags$a(href = "", ""),
      p("For further information, visit the project summary page:")
      #tags$a(href = "", "")

  HTML("<button type='button' class='btn' data-toggle='collapse' style='float:left' data-target='#app_info'><span class='glyphicon glyphicon-collapse-down'></span> More Information</button>"),

  br(),  br(),

  tags$style(type = "text/css", "
{font-size: 6px;},
      .irs-all {top:-20px;}

  # Sidebar layout with input and output definitions ----

      # Sidebar panel for inputs ----
      sidebarPanel(width = 10,
                          actionButton(inputId = "refresh",
                            label = "Refresh simulation", icon = icon("fa fa-refresh")),
        tippy::with_tippy(sliderInput(inputId = "nInitConsumer",
                                                 label=HTML('<FONT size="2">Number of initial consumers:</FONT>'),
                                                 min = 1,
                                                 max = 1000,
                                                 value = 1),
                                     "Upper limit allowed for initial consumer population"),
        tippy::with_tippy(sliderInput(inputId = "mig",
                                      label=HTML('<FONT size="2">Dispersal probability (mig):</FONT>'),
                                      min = 0, max = 1,value = 0.01),
                        "Migration rate"),
        tippy::with_tippy(sliderInput(inputId = "b",
                                      label=HTML('<FONT size="2">Birth rate (b):</FONT>'),
                                      min = 0,max = 50,value = 10,step= 0.1),
                          "Number of offspring in the next generation"),
        tippy::with_tippy(sliderInput(inputId = "n_generations",
                                      label=HTML('<FONT size="2">Number of generations (n_generations):</FONT>'),
                                    min = 0,max = 1000,value = 200),
                          "Number of generations"),
        tippy::with_tippy(sliderInput(inputId = "K",
                  label=HTML('<FONT size="2">Carrying capacity (K):</FONT>'),
                  min = 0,
                  max = 1000,
                  value = 100),
                  "Upper limit allowed for consumer population"),
        tippy::with_tippy(sliderInput(inputId = "sd",
                                      label=HTML('<FONT size="2">Standard deviation of mutation (sd):</FONT>'),
                                      min = 0,max = 10,value = 0.2,step= 0.1),
                          "Mutation of consumer phenotypes"),
        tippy::with_tippy(sliderInput(inputId = "sigma",
                 label=HTML('<FONT size="2">Standard deviation of selection (sigma):</FONT>'),
                  min = 0,max = 10,value = 1,step=0.1),
                  "Niche breadth"),
        tippy::with_tippy(radioButtons(inputId = "jump_back",
                                      label = "Jump back:",
                          "Let the consumer jump back to previous resource")


    # Main panel for displaying outputs ----

         offset = -3,

      # Output: Shiny-plot of consumer host-switching ----

      plotOutput(outputId = "HostSwitchPlot",
                 dblclick = "plot1_dblclick",
                 brush = brushOpts(
                   id = "plot1_brush",
                   resetOnNew = TRUE),
                 height = "500px"
      tableOutput(outputId = "HostSwitchSummary")

Try the HostSwitch package in your browser

Any scripts or data that you put into this service are public.

HostSwitch documentation built on March 7, 2023, 8:26 p.m.