
Defines functions expectedParameters_ expectedParameters expectedVariables

Documented in expectedParameters expectedVariables

#' @name expectedVariables
#' @export expectedVariables
#' @title List Expected Parameter Names and Expected Variables Names
#' @description To assist in formula that defines the relationship to a node, 
#'   \code{expectedVariables} returns to the console
#'   a sample string that can be pasted into \code{setNode}
#'   and populated with the desired coefficients.
#' @param network A \code{HydeNetwork} object.
#' @param node A node name within \code{network}
#' @param returnVector Logical.  If FALSE, the sample string for use in
#'   \code{setNode} is returned.  Otherwise, the vector of parent names
#'   is returned.
#' @details Each node is calculated as a model of its parents.  If no 
#' training data are provided to the network, the user is expected to provide
#' appropriate estimates of the regression coefficients for the model.
#' \code{returnVector} will generally be set to \code{FALSE} for most uses, 
#' but can be set to \code{TRUE} for use in error checking.  For example, 
#' in \code{setNode}, if not all of the parents have been given a coefficient 
#' (or if too few coefficients have been given), the vector of names is supplied.
#' @author Jarrod Dalton and Benjamin Nutter
#' @examples
#' data(PE, package="HydeNet")
#' Net <- HydeNetwork(~ wells + 
#'                      pe | wells + 
#'                      d.dimer | pregnant*pe + 
#'                      angio | pe + 
#'                      treat | d.dimer*angio + 
#'                      death | pe*treat)
#' expectedVariables(Net, wells)
#' expectedVariables(Net, treat)
#' expectedVariables(Net, treat, returnVector=TRUE)
#' expectedParameters(Net, wells)
#' expectedParameters(Net, wells, returnVector=TRUE)

expectedVariables <- function(network, node, returnVector=FALSE)
  node <- as.character(substitute(node))
  inputs <- network[["parents"]][[node]]
  if (returnVector)
  if (is.null(inputs))
    cat(paste(node, "~ 1"))
    cat(paste(node, "~", paste(inputs, collapse=" + ")))

#' @rdname expectedVariables
#' @export expectedParameters

expectedParameters <- function(network, node, returnVector=FALSE)
  node <- as.character(substitute(node))
  inputs <- network[["nodeType"]][[node]]
  params <- jagsDists[["RParameter"]][jagsDists[["FnName"]] == inputs]
  names(params) <- jagsDists[["Parameters"]][jagsDists[["FnName"]] == inputs]
  if (returnVector)
          paste0(params, "= "),
          collapse=", "

expectedParameters_ <- function(network, node, returnVector=FALSE)
  inputs <- network[["nodeType"]][[node]]
  params <- jagsDists[["RParameter"]][jagsDists[["FnName"]] == inputs]
  names(params) <- jagsDists[["Parameters"]][jagsDists[["FnName"]] == inputs]
  if (returnVector)
          paste0(params, "= "),
          collapse=", "

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HydeNet documentation built on July 8, 2020, 5:15 p.m.