Man pages for IDPmisc
'Utilities of Institute of Data Analyses and Process Design ('

ArrowsPretty Open or Closed Arrows
cart2clockConvert Cartesian Coordinates to Clock Coordinates
clock2cartConvert Clock Coordinates to Cartesian Coordinates
col2hsvConvert Color to hsv Code
data.sheetCoerce a list to a data.frame
draw.legProduce a Legend or Key (Grid Function)
general.controlAuxilary for Controlling the General Appearance of a Rose...
getXYEasy and Flexible Input for One- and Two Dimensional Data
grid.controlAuxilary for Controlling the Grid Appearance of a Rose Plot
humidityConverting Humidity Measures into Each Other
IDPcolorRampColor Ramp for Ordered Values
IDPmisc-packageUtilities of Institute of Data Analyses and Process Design...
ilagplotImage Lag Plot Matrix for Large Time Series
ImageDisplay the Density of Points in a Scatter Plot by Colors
ipairsImage Scatter Plot Matrix for Large Datasets
ipanel.smoothPanelplot for itermplot
iplotImage Scatter Plot for Large Datasets
iplotLegendPlots Legend for Color Ramp
itermplotPlot Regression Terms for Huge Datasets
key.controlAuxilary for Controlling the Appearance of the Legend of a...
longtsPlotPlot Very Long Regular Time Series
MSSpectrum Measured by a SELDI TOF Mass Spectrometer
NaRV.omitOmit Observations with NA, NaN, Inf and -Inf Values
okSets NAs in Logical Objects to FALSE
peaksFinding Peaks in Raw Data
pkg-internalInternal Functions
plot.rosePlot Method for Class "rose" (Grid Graphics Function)
poster.plotConvenient xyplot with Differently Colored Margin and Plot...
rfbaselineRobust Fitting of Baselines
rfbaselineScaleEstimation of the Scale Parameter
roseCreates a rose object out of circular data
showColorsDisplays vectors of colors
title.controlAuxilary for Controlling the Title of a Rose Plot
zoomZooming in and out in a 2d-Plot
IDPmisc documentation built on May 29, 2024, 2:48 a.m.