grid.control: Auxilary for Controlling the Grid Appearance of a Rose Plot

View source: R/grid.control.R

grid.controlR Documentation

Auxilary for Controlling the Grid Appearance of a Rose Plot


Defines the appearance of the guiding elements of rose plots such as circles, rays and labels.


grid.control(circ.n = 4, circ.r = NULL,
             circ.col = "gray30", circ.lwd = 0.5,
             circ.cex = 0.8, circ.between = 0.3,
             circ.dir = pi/16 * 9,
             circ.sub.n = NULL, circ.sub.r = NULL,
             circ.sub.col = "gray70", circ.sub.lwd = 0.5,
             cyclVar.lab = c("N","NE","E","SE","S","SW","W","NW"),
             cyclVar.cex = 1.2, cyclVar.between = 0,
             cyclVar.centered = TRUE,
             ray.lim = NULL, ray.n = 8)


circ.n, circ.r

Number of (main)circles or, alternatively, radius of circles to be drawn, which will be labeled.

circ.col, circ.lwd

Color and line width of circles.


Character size of labels of main circles in multiples of cex as defined in general.control.


Distance between labels of the main circle and the circle itself in multiples of circ.cex.


Direction along which the labels of the main circles should be drawn, measured clockwise as radian from North.

circ.sub.n, circ.sub.r

Number of subcircle intervals between two main circles, or, alternatively, the radii of all subcircles.

circ.sub.col, circ.sub.lwd

Color and line width of subcircles.


Labels of cyclic variable placed along the outmost circle.


Charactersize of labels of cyclic variable in multiples of cex as defined in general.control


Distance between labels of the cyclic variable and the outmost circle of the rose in multiples of cyclVar.cex.


Labels are positioned relative to their center. cyclVar.centered = FALSE is used for very long labels like (unabbreviated) days of the week. In this case, the labels are positioned relative to the side of the label, which is closest to the circle.


Defines the values for the center and the maximum radius in user coordinates. Be careful with specifying the center different from 0 as this might result in misleading roses.


Number of rays.


Returns the arguments conveniently packaged up in a list to supply the arguments for the grid appearance of rose plot.


Rene Locher

See Also

plot.rose, general.control



IDPmisc documentation built on May 29, 2024, 2:48 a.m.