
context("test scoring")

dat <- scoring(trend_tbl = model_trend_ex, mod_tbl = all_results_ex,
  press_type = INDperform::press_type_ex)
dat <- tidyr::unnest(dat, cols = press_spec_sc)
ind_v <- unique(dat$ind)
crit_v <- names(dat) %in% c("C8", "C11")
subcrit_v <- c("C9_1", "C9_2", "C10_1", "C10_2", "C10_3",
press_type_ex2 <- press_type_ex
names(press_type_ex2)[2] <- "something_else"

# Change conditions to create error messages
crit_scores_mod1 <- crit_scores_tmpl
crit_scores_mod1[4, "condition"] <- "x < 0.3"
crit_scores_mod2 <- crit_scores_tmpl
crit_scores_mod2[23, "condition"] <- "x == 2"

test_that("test structure of returned object", {
  expect_is(dat, "tbl_df")
  # all ind and press included?
  expect_identical(sort(unique(dat$ind)), sort(unique(model_trend_ex$ind)))
  expect_identical(sort(unique(dat$ind)), sort(unique(all_results_ex$ind)))
  expect_identical(sort(unique(dat$press)), sort(unique(all_results_ex$press)))
  expect_identical(sort(unique(dat$press)), sort(unique(all_results_ex$press)))
  # all (sub)crit included?
  expect_equal(sum(names(dat) %in% c("C8", "C11")),
  expect_equal(sum(subcrit_v %in% names(dat)), 6)

test_that("test scores", {
  expect_lte(max(dat[, c(2, 3, 7:12)]), 3)
  expect_true(sum(is.na(dat[, c(2, 3, 7:12)])) ==

# DIV: Test for error and warning messages
all_results_ex2 <- all_results_ex
all_results_ex2$edf <- as.character(all_results_ex2$edf)
all_results_ex3 <- all_results_ex
all_results_ex3$edf <- NA_real_

test_that("test error messages and warnings", {

  # Missing arguments
  expect_error(scoring(press_type = press_type_ex,
    trend_tbl = model_trend_ex), "Argument mod_tbl is missing")

  # Check of input tibbles
  expect_error(scoring(mod_tbl = all_results_ex,
    press_type = press_type_ex), "You must provide data for the trend_tbl")
  # (trend_tbl missing but needed (C8) )
  expect_error(scoring(trend_tbl = model_trend_ex,
    press_type = press_type_ex))
  # (mod_tbl missing (always needed) )
  expect_error(scoring(trend_tbl = model_trend_ex,
    mod_tbl = all_results_ex))
  # (press_type missing (needed for C11) )
  expect_error(scoring(trend_tbl = model_trend_ex,
    mod_tbl = all_results_ex, press_type = press_type_ex[,
      -1]), "press_type has to be a data frame or tibble")
  expect_error(scoring(trend_tbl = model_trend_ex,
    mod_tbl = all_results_ex, press_type = press_type_ex2),
    "The following variables required ")

  # Check if all pressures in mod_tbl are also in
  # press_type
  expect_error(scoring(trend_tbl = model_trend_ex,
    mod_tbl = all_results_ex, press_type = INDperform::press_type_ex[-(1:3),
      ]), "are not listed in the press_type tibble")

  # Check if variables present in crit scores are
  # missing in trend_tbl/mod_tbl
  expect_error(scoring(trend_tbl = dplyr::select(model_trend_ex,
    -p_val), mod_tbl = all_results_ex, press_type = INDperform::press_type_ex),
    "are not provided in trend_tbl")
  expect_error(scoring(trend_tbl = dplyr::select(model_trend_ex,
    -ind), mod_tbl = all_results_ex, press_type = INDperform::press_type_ex),
    "missing in trend_tbl")
  expect_error(scoring(trend_tbl = model_trend_ex,
    mod_tbl = dplyr::select(all_results_ex, -edf),
    press_type = INDperform::press_type_ex), "not provided in any of the input tibbles")

  # Check if all ind are present in both input
  # tibbles (if trend_tbl needed)
  expect_error(scoring(trend_tbl = model_trend_ex[-1,
    ], mod_tbl = all_results_ex, press_type = INDperform::press_type_ex),
    "Some indicators are only present")
  # (ind TZA removed in trend_tbl)

  # Check for correct datatype in mod_tbl
  expect_error(scoring(model_trend_ex, all_results_ex2,

  # Check whether any variable to score is null or
  # NA/NaN
  expect_error(scoring(model_trend_ex, all_results_ex3,
    INDperform::press_type_ex), "contains no information")

  # Overlap in conditions (subcrit)
  expect_error(scoring(trend_tbl = model_trend_ex,
    mod_tbl = all_results_ex, press_type = INDperform::press_type_ex,
    crit_scores = crit_scores_mod1))
  # Overlap in conditions (crit 11)
  expect_error(scoring(trend_tbl = model_trend_ex,
    mod_tbl = all_results_ex, press_type = INDperform::press_type_ex,
    crit_scores = crit_scores_mod2))


# Test dealing with NAs
trend_tbl <- model_trend_ex[7:8, ]
mod_tbl = all_results_ex %>% dplyr::filter(ind %in%
press_type <- INDperform::press_type_ex[]
trend_tbl2 <- trend_tbl
trend_tbl3 <- trend_tbl
trend_tbl2$p_val <- NA
trend_tbl3$p_val[2] <- NA
mod_tbl2 <- mod_tbl
mod_tbl2$p_val <- NA
mod_tbl3 <- mod_tbl
mod_tbl3$p_val[1:6] <- NA  # NAs
mod_tbl4 <- mod_tbl
mod_tbl4$p_val[1:5] <- NA
mod_tbl5 <- mod_tbl
mod_tbl5$edf <- NA
mod_tbl6 <- mod_tbl
mod_tbl6$edf[1:5] <- NA
mod_tbl7 <- mod_tbl
mod_tbl7$r_sq <- NA
mod_tbl8 <- mod_tbl
mod_tbl8$r_sq[1:6] <- NA

test1 <- scoring(trend_tbl2, mod_tbl, press_type)
test2 <- scoring(trend_tbl3, mod_tbl, press_type)
test3 <- scoring(trend_tbl, mod_tbl3, press_type)
test4 <- scoring(trend_tbl, mod_tbl4, press_type)
test5 <- scoring(trend_tbl, mod_tbl6, press_type)
test6 <- scoring(trend_tbl, mod_tbl8, press_type)

test_that("test dealing with NAs", {
  expect_true(all(test1$C8 == 0))  # both NAs should be zero
  expect_equal(sum(test2$C8 == 0), 1)  # only 1 NA so 1 zero
  # pressure-specific
    0)  # nothing sign. anymore
    3)  # the sign. model unaffected
    3)  # the sign. model unaffected
    1)  # only 9.1 should be zero now

  # should return error messages since for entire
  # variable values = NA
  expect_error(scoring(trend_tbl, mod_tbl2, press_type),
    "The following variables required")
  expect_error(scoring(trend_tbl, mod_tbl5, press_type))
  expect_error(scoring(trend_tbl, mod_tbl7, press_type))

######################### Remove criteria #############

# Remove criteria

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INDperform documentation built on Jan. 11, 2020, 9:08 a.m.