
Defines functions flat

Documented in flat


  #' Flat sequences
  #' @description This function detects consecutive equal values (e.g., 15.1, 15.1, 15.1, 15.1...) in a data time series.
  #' Also can be used to detect consecutive equal decimal part of the values (e.g., 15.1, 12.1, 13.1, 10.1 ...)
  #' @param y data vector
  #' @param maxseq the maximum number of contiguous repetitions of a value (e.g., if 3, sequences of 4 will be flagged)
  #' @param exclude values to be excluded. This is useful for variables where a single value is expected to repeat many times, e.g. 0.0 in precipitation.
  #' @return  list of positions which do not pass this QC test. If all positions pass the test, returns NULL
  #' @examples
  #' y<-rnorm(100)
  #' y[10:20]<-10
  #' flat(y,5)
  #' #Extract the ECA&D data file from the example data folder
  #' path2inptfl<-system.file("extdata", "TX_SOUID132734.txt", package = "INQC")
  #' #Read the data file
  #' y<-readecad(input=path2inptfl,missing= -9999)[,4]
  #' #Find all consecutive (with a length > 5 elements) equal values in the time series
  #' flat(y,5)
  #' #Introduce the duplicated dates
  #' y[6:12]<-10
  #' #Find all consecutive (with a length > 5 elements) equal values in the time series
  #' flat(y,5)
  #' @export

  mu<-rle(y)$lengths # sequences
  cumu<-cumsum(mu) # cumulative sum to find real position of a sequence
  longbad<-mu[which(mu>maxseq)] # length of each sequence
  # make resistant to nullbad
    bad<-cumu[which(mu>maxseq)] # last point of a sequence
    firstbad=(bad-longbad)+1 # first point of a sequence
    for(i in 1:ene){
      quitar<-which(y[target] == exclude)

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INQC documentation built on May 24, 2021, 5:07 p.m.