
rt_par_expected_value_box <- function(width = 12, collapsible = T, collapsed = T) {
    title = HTML('<p style="font-size:120%;">Expected Parameter Value (per function)</p>'),
    width = width, collapsible = collapsible, collapsed = collapsed,
    solidHeader = TRUE, status = "primary",
      width = 3,
      HTML('<p style="font-size:120%;">Range of the function values (\\(x\\) axis)</p>'),
      textInput('RT_PAR.Plot.Min', label = F_MIN_LABEL, value = ''),
      textInput('RT_PAR.Plot.Max', label = F_MAX_LABEL, value = ''),
      selectInput('RT_PAR.Plot.Params', 'Parameters', choices = NULL, selected = NULL, multiple = T),
      selectInput('RT_PAR.Plot.Algs', 'Select which IDs to include:', choices = NULL, selected = NULL, multiple = T) %>% shinyInput_label_embed(
        custom_icon() %>%
            title = "ID selection", content = alg_select_info, 
            placement = "auto"
      selectInput('', label = 'Mean/median',
                  choices = c('mean', 'median'),
                  selected = 'mean'),
      selectInput('RT_PAR.Plot.CI', "Show standard deviations or quantiles", 
                  choices = c('Standard Deviation', 'Outer Quantiles', 'None'), 
                  selected = 'None') %>% 
          custom_icon() %>%
              title = "Outer quantiles", content = "This method uses the highest and lowest quantiles, which are 
                  2% and 98% by default. This can be changed in the settings-tab.", 
              placement = "auto"
                    label = 'Scale x axis \\(\\log_{10}\\)',
                    value = T),
                    label = 'Scale y axis \\(\\log_{10}\\)',
                    value = F) %>%
          custom_icon("exclamation-triangle") %>%
              title = "Be mindful of using logarithmic scaling when the parameter-values can be <= 0"
      selectInput('RT_PAR.Plot.Format', label = 'Select the figure format',
                  choices = supported_fig_format, selected = supported_fig_format[[1]]),
      downloadButton('RT_PAR.Plot.Download', label = 'Download the figure')
      width = 9,
        width = 12, align = "center",
        HTML_P('The <b><i>mean or median</i></b> of internal parameters of the algorithm
                      found with a fixed-budget of evaluations are depicted against the budget.
               The displayed elements can be switched on and off by clicking on the legend on the right.
               A <b>tooltip</b> and <b>toolbar</b> appears when hovering over the figure.'),

rt_par_summary_box <- function(width = 12, collapsible = T, collapsed = T) {
    title = HTML('<p style="font-size:120%;">Parameter Statistics at Chosen Target Values</p>'),
    width = width, collapsible = collapsible, collapsed = collapsed,
    solidHeader = T, status = "primary",
      width = 3,
      HTML_P('Set the range and the granularity of the results.
             The table will show fixed-target parameter values for evenly spaced target values.'),
      textInput('RT_PAR.Summary.Min', label = F_MIN_LABEL, value = ''),
      textInput('RT_PAR.Summary.Max', label = F_MAX_LABEL, value = ''),
      textInput('RT_PAR.Summary.Step', label = F_STEP_LABEL, value = ''),
      checkboxInput('RT_PAR.Summary.Single', label = HTML('<p>\\(f_{\\text{min}} = f_{\\text{max}}\\)?
                                                       Once toggled, only \\(f_{\\text{min}}\\) is
                                                       used to generate the table on the right.</p>'), value = FALSE),
      selectInput('RT_PAR.Summary.ID', 'Select which IDs to include:', choices = NULL, selected = NULL, multiple = T),
      selectInput('RT_PAR.Summary.Param', 'Parameters', choices = NULL, selected = NULL),
      selectInput('RT_PAR.Summary.Format', 'Format', choices = supported_table_format, selected = supported_table_format[[1]]),
      downloadButton("RT_PAR.Summary.Download", "Save this table as csv")
      width = 9,
      HTML(paste0('<div style="font-size:120%;">',
                  includeMarkdown('markdown/PAR_SUMMARY_TABLE.Rmd'), '</div>')),

rt_par_sample_box <- function(width = 12, collapsible = T, collapsed = T) {
    title = HTML('<p style="font-size:120%;">Parameter Sample at Chosen Target Values</p>'),
    width = width, collapsible = collapsible, collapsed = collapsed,
    solidHeader = T, status = "primary",
      width = 3,
      HTML_P('Set the range and the granularity of the results.
                                The table will show fixed-target parameter values for evenly spaced target values.'),
      textInput('RT_PAR.Sample.Min', label = F_MIN_LABEL, value = ''),
      textInput('RT_PAR.Sample.Max', label = F_MAX_LABEL, value = ''),
      textInput('RT_PAR.Sample.Step', label = F_STEP_LABEL, value = ''),
      checkboxInput('RT_PAR.Sample.Single', label = HTML('<p>\\(f_{\\text{min}} = f_{\\text{max}}\\)?
                                                                             Once toggled, only \\(f_{\\text{min}}\\) is
                                                                             used to generate the table on the right.</p>'), value = FALSE),
      selectInput('RT_PAR.Sample.ID', 'Select which IDs to include:', choices = NULL, selected = NULL, multiple = T),
      selectInput('RT_PAR.Sample.Param', 'Parameters', choices = NULL, selected = NULL),
      selectInput('RT_PAR.Sample.Format', 'Format of the table',
                  choices = c('long', 'wide'), selected = 'wide'),
      selectInput('RT_PAR.Sample.FileFormat', 'File-Format', choices = supported_table_format, selected = supported_table_format[[1]]),
      downloadButton("RT_PAR.Sample.Download", "Save this table")
      width = 9,
      HTML('<p style="font-size:120%;">This table shows for each selected algorithm \\(A\\),
           each selected target value \\(f(x)\\), and each run \\(r\\) the parameter value
           observed when the target value \\(f(x)\\) is reached for the first time.</p>'),

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IOHanalyzer documentation built on Sept. 20, 2023, 5:07 p.m.