NHF <-
function(lambdaD,T=NULL,Ptype='inhom', posD, typeD=1, r=NULL,L=NULL, dplot=TRUE,tit='F(r)',...)
if (dim(lambdaD)[1]==1)
{ if (is.null(T)==TRUE) stop('Argument T (length of the observation period) must be specified')
else Ptype<-'hom' }
else T<-dim(lambdaD)[1]
if (max(posD)>T) stop("There are some occurrence points outside the observation period")
if (is.null(r))
r1<-max(10, floor(T/10))
if (length(r)>200) r<-seq(1,r1,length.out=200)
if (max(2*r+1)>T) stop ('Some r values are too large and they lead to
intervals longer than the observation period T')
if (is.null(L))
L<-seq(1, T, by=2)
if (length(L)>200) L<-seq(1,T,by = round((T - 1)/199))
if (Ptype=='hom')
NHFr<-HDFaux(punt=L, posD=posD, r=r, T=T)
if (length(typeD)==1) typeD<-rep(1,length(posD))
if (length(posD)!=length(typeD)) stop("Arguments typeD and posD must have the same length")
#F(r) estimation
NHFraux<-sapply(r,FUN=NHFaux,L=L,lambdaD=lambdaD,posD=posD, typeD, T=T)
if (dplot==TRUE)
{ plot(r,NHFr,pch=16, ylab='F(r)', xlab='r', main=tit, cex=0.5,...)
return(list(r=r,NHFr=NHFr, T=T, L=L))
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