
Defines functions linearTest

Documented in linearTest

##' Joint modelling for longitutal and censored data with competing risks
##' @title Linear hypothesis testing of joint models
##' @param object  The JMcmprsk object returned by either jmo or jmc function.
##' @param coeff  Types of coefficients selected for Wald. Note "alpha" is only avaiable to jmo type JMcmprsk object.
##' @param La Linear contrast of the fixed effects of non-proportional odds covariates * (# of levels of the outcome - 2) in the longitudinal part.
##' Default is "identity", i.e., all the fixed effects equal to zero. Otherwise, La must be a matrix.
##' @param Lb Linear contrast of the fixed effects of proportional odds covariates in the longitudinal part.
##' Default is "identity", i.e., all the fixed effects equal to zero. Otherwise, Lb must be a matrix.
##' @param Lg Linear contrast of the fixed effects of covariates * # of competing risks in the survival part.
##' Default is "identity", i.e., all the fixed effects equal to zero. Otherwise, Lg must be a matrix.
##' @param  Ca The hypothesized value of linear combination of the fixed effects of non-proportional odds covariates
##' * (# of levels of the outcome - 2) in the longitudinal part. Default is 0. Otherwise, Ca must be a number / vector.
##' @param Cb The hypothesized value of linear combination of the fixed effects of proportional odds covariates
##' in the longitudinal part. Default is 0. Otherwise, Cb must be a number / vector.
##' @param Cg The hypothesized value of linear combination of the fixed effects of covariates * # of competing risks in the survival part.
##' Default is 0. Otherwise, Cg must be a number / vector.
##' @param digits number of digits to be printed out.
##' @param ... further arguments passed to or from other methods.
##' @details Wald test statistic is used for hypothesis testing on multiple parameters:
##'   \eqn{H_0: L\theta = C} vs: \eqn{H_1: L\theta \neq C}
##'   The test statistic is:
##'   \eqn{(L\hat{\theta} - C)'(L\hat{V_{\theta}}L)^{-1}(L\hat{\theta} - C) \sim \chi_q^2,}
##'   where \eqn{\hat{V_{\theta}}} is the estimate of covariance of the parameter \eqn{\theta} and q is the rank of the linear contrast \eqn{L}.
##' @return Return a Wald test statistic and the p value
##'   \tabular{ll}{
##'       \code{beta}    \tab  The Wald test for fixed effects for the longitutal part,i.e.  \eqn{\beta} in jmo or jmc output. \cr
##'       \code{gamma}    \tab  The Wald test for fixed effects for the survival part,i.e.  \eqn{\gamma} in jmo or jmc output.  \cr
##'       \code{alpha}    \tab  The Wald test for non-proportional odds covariates,i.e.  \eqn{\alpha} in jmo output. \cr
##'   }
##' @export
linearTest <-
  function(object, coeff = c("beta", "gamma", "alpha"), La = "identity", Lb = "identity", Lg = "identity",
           Ca = 0, Cb = 0, Cg = 0, digits = 4, ...) {
    if (!inherits(object, "JMcmprsk")) {
      stop("Use only with 'JMcmprsk' objects.\n")
    if (object$type == "jmo") {
      if (coeff == "beta") {
        betas <- object$betas
        nbeta <- length(betas)
        betacov <- object$vcmatrix[1:nbeta, 1:nbeta]
        betas <- as.matrix(betas)
        if (!is.numeric(Lb)) {
          if (Lb == "identity") {
            W <- t(betas - Cb) %*% (solve(betacov)) %*% (betas - Cb)
            pval <- pchisq(W, nbeta, lower.tail = FALSE)
            pval <- formatC(pval, digits = digits, width = 10, format = "f", flag = "-")
            WaldTest <- data.frame(
              Chisq = W, df = nbeta,
              "Pr(>|Chi|)" = pval, check.names = FALSE, row.names = "L*beta=Cb"
          } else {
            stop("Unexpected argument: do you mean identity?")
        } else if (is.matrix(Lb) & (ncol(Lb) == nbeta)) {
          Trbeta <- Lb %*% betas - Cb
          Trbetacov <- Lb %*% betacov %*% t(Lb)
          W <- t(Trbeta) %*% (solve(Trbetacov)) %*% Trbeta
          df <- pracma::Rank(Lb)
          pval <- pchisq(W, df, lower.tail = FALSE)
          pval <- formatC(pval, digits = digits, width = 10, format = "f", flag = "-")
          WaldTest <- data.frame(
            Chisq = W, df = df,
            "Pr(>|Chi|)" = pval, check.names = FALSE, row.names = "L*beta=Cb"
        } else {
          stop("Linear contrast 'Lb' wasn't set up properly. 
                        Check if 'Lb' is matrix type object, dimension of Cb, or the number of columns in 'Lb' mataches.\n")
      } else if (coeff == "alpha") {
        nbeta <- length(object$betas)
        # number of nonpropotional hazards
        alphas <- as.vector(t(object$alphamatrix))
        nalpha <- length(alphas)
        alphas <- as.matrix(alphas)
        alphacov <- object$vcmatrix[
          (nbeta + 1):(nbeta + nalpha),
          (nbeta + 1):(nbeta + nalpha)
        if (!is.numeric(La)) {
          if (La == "identity") {
            W <- t(alphas - Ca) %*% (solve(alphacov)) %*% (alphas - Ca)
            pval <- pchisq(W, nalpha, lower.tail = FALSE)
            pval <- formatC(pval, digits = digits, width = 10, format = "f", flag = "-")
            WaldTest <- data.frame(
              Chisq = W, df = nalpha,
              "Pr(>|Chi|)" = pval, check.names = FALSE, row.names = "L*alpha=Ca"
          } else {
            stop("Unexpected argument: do you mean identity?")
        } else if (is.matrix(La) & (ncol(La) == nalpha)) {
          Tralpha <- La %*% alphas - Ca
          Tralphacov <- La %*% alphacov %*% t(La)
          W <- t(Tralpha) %*% (solve(Tralphacov)) %*% (Tralpha)
          df <- pracma::Rank(La)
          pval <- pchisq(W, df, lower.tail = FALSE)
          pval <- formatC(pval, digits = digits, width = 10, format = "f", flag = "-")
          WaldTest <- data.frame(
            Chisq = W, df = df,
            "Pr(>|Chi|)" = pval, check.names = FALSE, row.names = "L*alpha=Ca"
        } else {
          stop("Linear contrast 'La' wasn't set up properly. 
                        Check if 'La' is matrix type object, dimension of Ca, or the number of columns in 'La' mataches.\n")
      } else if (coeff == "gamma") {
        nbeta <- length(object$betas)
        alphas <- as.vector(t(object$alphamatrix))
        thetas <- object$Nlevels - 1
        nalpha <- length(alphas)
        # number of competing risks
        gammas <- as.vector(t(object$gamma_matrix))
        ngamma <- length(gammas)
        gammacov <- object$vcmatrix[
          (nbeta + nalpha + thetas + 1):(nbeta + nalpha + thetas + ngamma),
          (nbeta + nalpha + thetas + 1):(nbeta + nalpha + thetas + ngamma)
        if (!is.numeric(Lg)) {
          if (Lg == "identity") {
            W <- t(gammas - Cg) %*% (solve(gammacov)) %*% (gammas - Cg)
            pval <- pchisq(W, ngamma, lower.tail = FALSE)
            pval <- formatC(pval, digits = digits, width = 10, format = "f", flag = "-")
            WaldTest <- data.frame(
              Chisq = W, df = ngamma,
              "Pr(>|Chi|)" = pval, check.names = FALSE, row.names = "L*gamma=Cg"
          } else {
            stop("Unexpected argument: do you mean identity?")
        } else if (is.matrix(Lg) & (ncol(Lg) == ngamma)) {
          Trgamma <- Lg %*% gammas - Cg
          Trgammacov <- Lg %*% gammacov %*% t(Lg)
          W <- t(Trgamma) %*% (solve(Trgammacov)) %*% (Trgamma)
          df <- pracma::Rank(Lg)
          pval <- pchisq(W, df, lower.tail = FALSE)
          pval <- formatC(pval, digits = digits, width = 10, format = "f", flag = "-")
          WaldTest <- data.frame(
            Chisq = W, df = df,
            "Pr(>|Chi|)" = pval, check.names = FALSE, row.names = "L*gamma=Cg"
        } else {
          stop("Linear contrast 'Lg' wasn't set up properly. 
                        Check if 'Lg' is matrix type object, dimension of Cg, or the number of columns in 'Lg' mataches.\n")
      } else { # change from print to message
        message("Error or Methods not developed yet!")
        WaldTest <- NULL

    } else if (object$type == "jmc") {
      if (coeff == "beta") {
        # skip the first intercept
        nbeta <- length(object$betas)
        betas <- object$betas[-1]
        betacov <- object$vcmatrix[2:nbeta, 2:nbeta]
        nbeta <- nbeta - 1
        betas <- as.matrix(betas)
        if (!is.numeric(Lb)) {
          if (Lb == "identity") {
            W <- t(betas - Cb) %*% (solve(betacov)) %*% (betas - Cb)
            pval <- pchisq(W, nbeta, lower.tail = FALSE)
            pval <- formatC(pval, digits = digits, width = 10, format = "f", flag = "-")
            WaldTest <- data.frame(
              Chisq = W, df = nbeta,
              "Pr(>|Chi|)" = pval, check.names = FALSE, row.names = "L*beta=Cb"
          } else {
            stop("Unexpected argument: do you mean identity?")
        } else if (is.matrix(Lb) & (ncol(Lb) == nbeta)) {
          Trbeta <- Lb %*% betas - Cb
          Trbetacov <- Lb %*% betacov %*% t(Lb)
          W <- t(Trbeta) %*% (solve(Trbetacov)) %*% Trbeta
          df <- pracma::Rank(Lb)
          pval <- pchisq(W, df, lower.tail = FALSE)
          pval <- formatC(pval, digits = digits, width = 10, format = "f", flag = "-")
          WaldTest <- data.frame(
            Chisq = W, df = df,
            "Pr(>|Chi|)" = pval, check.names = FALSE, row.names = "L*beta=Cb"
        } else {
          stop("Linear contrast 'Lb' wasn't set up properly. 
                        Check if 'Lb' is matrix type object, dimension of Cb, or the number of columns in 'Lb' mataches.\n")
      } else if (coeff == "gamma") {
        nbeta <- length(object$betas)
        # number of competing risks
        gammas <- as.vector(t(object$gamma_matrix))
        ngamma <- length(gammas)
        gammacov <- object$vcmatrix[
          (nbeta + 1 + 1):(nbeta + 1 + ngamma),
          (nbeta + 1 + 1):(nbeta + 1 + ngamma)
        if (!is.numeric(Lg)) {
          if (Lg == "identity") {
            W <- t(gammas - Cg) %*% (solve(gammacov)) %*% (gammas - Cg)
            pval <- pchisq(W, ngamma, lower.tail = FALSE)
            pval <- formatC(pval, digits = digits, width = 10, format = "f", flag = "-")
            WaldTest <- data.frame(
              Chisq = W, df = ngamma,
              "Pr(>|Chi|)" = pval, check.names = FALSE, row.names = "L*gamma=Cg"
          } else {
            stop("Unexpected argument: do you mean identity?")
        } else if (is.matrix(Lg) & (ncol(Lg) == ngamma)) {
          Trgamma <- Lg %*% gammas - Cg
          Trgammacov <- Lg %*% gammacov %*% t(Lg)
          W <- t(Trgamma) %*% (solve(Trgammacov)) %*% (Trgamma)
          df <- pracma::Rank(Lg)
          pval <- pchisq(W, df, lower.tail = FALSE)
          pval <- formatC(pval, digits = digits, width = 10, format = "f", flag = "-")
          WaldTest <- data.frame(
            Chisq = W, df = df,
            "Pr(>|Chi|)" = pval, check.names = FALSE, row.names = "L*gamma=Cg"
        } else {
          stop("Linear contrast 'Lg' wasn't set up properly. 
                        Check if 'Lg' is matrix type object, dimension of Cg, or the number of columns in 'Lg' mataches.\n")
      } else { # change from print to message
        message("Anova Error or Methods not developed yet!")
        WaldTest <- NULL

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JMcmprsk documentation built on March 22, 2021, 9:07 a.m.