EnvVars-JuliaConnectoR: Environment variables used by the 'JuliaConnectoR'

EnvVars-JuliaConnectoRR Documentation

Environment variables used by the JuliaConnectoR


There are some environment variables which can be used to deviate from the default behavior of the package. To have an effect, these environment variables must be set before a Julia connection is established, i.e., before the first call to Julia or before a call to startJuliaServer. All the variables are optional.


The environment variables that are used in the package are listed below:


If this variable is set to the path of the Julia bin directory before connecting to Julia, the corresponding Julia installation will be used. By using this variable, it is possible to use a different Julia version than the one in the system PATH. (You can find the correct path to the bin directory of Julia by evaluating the expression Sys.BINDIR within Julia.)


Specify environment variables only for Julia. (This does not work on Windows and the variable is ignored there.) This allows, e.g., to set the LD_LIBRARY_PATH variable to a different value for Julia than for R. The value can be any R code that defines variables, e.g., "LD_LIBRARY_PATH=''" is a valid value. On Linux, Julia is started with an empty LD_LIBRARY_PATH by default as the LD_LIBRARY_PATH required by R may be incompatible with Julia. If the LD_LIBRARY_PATH needs to be set to a different value, this can be done via the JULIACONNECTOR_JULIAENV variable.


Set start-up options for Julia. As an example, consider specifying the project environment and enabling code coverage when starting Julia. This can be achieved by setting the environment variable to "--project=/path/to/project --code-coverage".


Specifies the server address of a (running) Julia server that the R process can connect to. A possible example value is "localhost:11980", specifying host and port. The function startJuliaServer sets this variable and communicates the location of the server to child processes with it. Due to security concerns, the Julia server accepts only connections from the same machine and connecting to remote machines is currently not possible.

JuliaConnectoR documentation built on Oct. 9, 2024, 1:08 a.m.