Julia-Setup: Julia setup

Julia-SetupR Documentation

Julia setup


Julia must be installed separately in order for the JuliaConnectoR package to work. You can download and install Julia from https://julialang.org/downloads/.


Setup via the Juliaup installation manager

If you have installed Julia via Juliaup, the Julia installation should be discovered by the JuliaConnectoR.

Juliaup on Windows

If you have freshly installed Juliaup, start Julia once on the command line. This will do the actual installation of the current Julia version. Juliaup puts the Julia executable on the system PATH. This way, the Julia installation can be detected by the JuliaConnectoR.

Juliaup on Mac

After the installation of Juliaup, Julia might not be on the system PATH but it should be discovered automatically if it is installed in the default location, i.e., the .juliaup folder in your home directory.

Setup via Julia binaries

If you have installed Julia via a binary package or any other method, the simplest way to make Julia discoverable is by adding the directory containing the Julia executable to the PATH environment variable.

Alternatively, you can set the JULIA_BINDIR environment variable to specify the exact directory containing the Julia binary. (You can find the correct path to this directory by evaluating the expression Sys.BINDIR within Julia.)

If the JULIA_BINDIR variable is set, it takes precedence over looking up the system PATH. This makes it easy to use a different Julia version than the one in your system PATH.

JuliaConnectoR documentation built on Oct. 9, 2024, 1:08 a.m.