juliaFun: Wrap a Julia function in an R function

View source: R/main.R

juliaFunR Documentation

Wrap a Julia function in an R function


Creates an R function that will call the Julia function with the given name when it is called. Like any R function, the returned function can also be passed as a function argument to Julia functions.


juliaFun(name, ...)



the name of the Julia function


optional arguments for currying: The resulting function will be called using these arguments.


if (juliaSetupOk()) {

   # Wrap a Julia function and use it
   juliaSqrt <- juliaFun("sqrt")
   # In the following call, the sqrt function is called without
   # a callback to R because the linked function object is used.
   juliaCall("map", juliaSqrt, c(1,4,9))

   # may also be used with arguments
   plus1 <- juliaFun("+", 1)
   # Results in an R callback (calling Julia again)
   # because there is no linked function object in Julia.
   juliaCall("map", plus1, c(1,2,3))


JuliaConnectoR documentation built on May 29, 2024, 8:39 a.m.