

The JumpeR R package is used for converting human readable track and field (athletics) results into data frames for use in analysis.


JumpeR is available on CRAN install.packages(JumpeR)

Latest Development Version from Github


v0.3.0 - November 16th, 2021

Package is still under heavy development so development versions will be unstable. Please use the stable CRAN release unless you have a very good reason not to.


JumpeR reads track and field results into R, similar to what the SwimmeR package does for swimming results.

Supported Formats

JumpeR currently supports reading in single column Hy-tek/ style results in either .html or .pdf format. JumpeR also supports Flash Results style results in .pdf format (but not html).

Hy-tek/ Results

These are Hy-tek results in html format, from the 2019 Greg Page relays at Cornell University. This particular file contains the entire meet.

Will work

It can be imported into R using JumpeR:


Imported with JumpeR

This is a Hy-tek .pdf results file, from the Singapore Masters Track and Field Association 2019 Championship. It contains the entire meet.

Will work

Once saved (it's included in JumpeR as an example) it can be imported into R using JumpeR:

      system.file("extdata", "SMTFA-2019-Full-Results.pdf", package = "JumpeR")
    rounds = TRUE

Imported with JumpeR

Flash Results

This is a Flash Results .pdf result, from the prelims of the 2019 NCAA Men's 100m Championships.

Will work

It can be imported into R using JumpeR:


Imported with JumpeR

Flash Results also post .html version of results like these, which are currently NOT supported.

Will not work

Importing Results

JumpeR reads track and field results into R and outputs tidy dataframes. JumpeR uses read_results to read in either a PDF or HTML file (like a url) and the tf_parse (for track and field) function to convert the read file to a tidy dataframe.


read_results has two arguments. file, which is the file path to read in node, required only for HTML files, this is a CSS selector node where the results reside. node defaults to "pre", which has been correct in every instance tested thus far.


tf_parse has six arguments as of version 0.1.0.

Here's the Women's 4x400m relay from the 2019 Greg Page relays at Cornell University.

Relay results

Here's the same thing after importing with JumpeR

    relay_athletes = TRUE

Relay results

Here's the long jump prelims from the 2019 Virginia Grand Prix at the University of Virginia with the "rounds" highlighted in yellow.

Long jump rounds

Here's the same thing after importing with JumpeR

    rounds = TRUE

New rounds columns

Here's the pole vault results from the 2019 Duke Invite at (natch) Duke University with the "round_attempts" highlighted in yellow and the "rounds" circled in red.

Pole vault results

Here's the same thing after importing with JumpeR - adding all these columns makes the results very wide.

    rounds = TRUE,
    round_attempts = TRUE

New round_attempts columns

Looking at those same Duke pole vault results, here's how using split_attempts works - adding all these columns make the results extremely wide. I'm only going to show the first six split columns, called Round_1_Attempt_1, Round_1_Attempt_2, Round_1_Attempt_3 etc..

    rounds = TRUE,
    round_attempts = TRUE,
    split_attempts = TRUE

New split columns

See ?tf_parse for more information.

Long Orientation Vertical Jump Results

While setting split_attempts = TRUE in tf_parse can be used to generate wide format results of vertical jump attempts it might be more useful to create long format results instead. This can be accomplished after tf_parse.

Using those same Duke pole vault results here's the first place finisher in long format

df <-
    rounds = TRUE,
    round_attempts = TRUE,
df %>% 
  attempts_split_long() %>% 
  select(Place, Name, Age, Team, Finals_Result, Event, Bar_Height, Attempt, Result)

Long format pole jump

Formatting Results

By default all results (like the Finals_Result column) returned by JumpeR are characters, not numeric. This is because lots of results don't fit Rs notions of what a number is. A result like "1.65m" for a long jump can't be a number because of the "m". A result like "1:45.32" as a time can't be a number because of the ":". Luckily JumpeR is here to help with all of that. Passing results to math_format will return results formatted as numeric, such that they can be used in math.

Please note however that JumpeR doesn't understand units. Passing

math_format(c("1.65m", "DNS", "1:45.32"))

will return 1.65 (meters, but not noted), NA (nice touch there), and 105.32 (seconds, also not noted). You'll need to keep track of your units yourself, or perhaps use the units package. This is an area of possible future development.

The best use of math_format is to convert an entire column, like Finals_Results

df <- tf_parse(

df <- df %>% 
  mutate(Finals_Result_Math = math_format(Finals_Result)) %>% 
  select(Place, Name, Team, Finals_Result, Finals_Result_Math, Event)

Getting help

You're welcome to contact me with bug reports, feature requests, etc. for JumpeR.

If you find bug, please provide a minimal reproducible example at github.

JumpeR is conceptually very similar to the SwimmeR package, which I also developed and maintain. I do a lot of demos on how to use SwimmeR at my blog Swimming + Data Science, which may be instructive for users of JumpeR as well. SwimmeR also has a vignette (JumpeR does not at the moment).

Why is it called JumpeR?

  1. The name RunneR was already taken on CRAN
  2. I never liked running, but have always enjoyed the long jump
  3. Vague memories of this Third Eye Blind song

Try the JumpeR package in your browser

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JumpeR documentation built on Nov. 17, 2021, 1:07 a.m.