Man pages for JumpeR
Importing and Working with Track and Field Data

add_row_numbersAdd row numbers to raw results
attempts_removeCollects flight attempts within 'tf_parse'
attempts_splitCreates new columns of split attempts strings
attempts_split_colsCreates new columns for splitting attempts strings
attempts_split_longCreates new rows of split attempts strings (long format...
collect_relay_athletesCollects relay athletes as a data frame within 'tf_parse'
event_parsePulls out event labels from text
fill_downFills NA values with previous non-NA value
fill_leftShifts non-NA values to left in data frame
flash_attempts_split_long_helperCreates new columns for splitting attempts strings in long...
flash_clean_distance_eventsCleans distance events
flash_clean_eventsCleans event data
flash_clean_events_helperApplies appropriate event cleaning function
flash_clean_horizontal_eventsCleans horizontal events
flash_clean_relay_eventsCleans relay events
flash_clean_sprint_eventsCleans sprint events
flash_clean_vertical_eventsCleans vertical events
flash_col_namesRegularizes column names from Flash Results
flash_col_names_helperHelper Function for regularizing column names from Flash...
flash_correct_column_overshootCorrects column index overshoots when naming columns based on...
flash_correct_column_overshoot_helperVectorizes 'flash_correct_column_overshoot'
flash_date_parsePulls out date from text of flash results html page
flash_event_linksCollects all event result links from a meet landing page on...
flash_event_parsePulls out event label from text of flash results html page
flash_extract_details_linksCollects links to all detailed results links from a given...
flash_extract_details_links_helperCollects links to all detailed results links from a given...
flash_gender_parsePulls out gender label from text of flash results html page
flash_parseReads track and field results into a list of strings in...
flash_parse_tableCollects results from a link to a Flash Results page
flash_pivot_longerConverts Flash Results from wide to long format
flash_rebuild_event_tableRebuilds tables that 'rvest::html_table' can't parse inside...
flash_round_attempts_parseCollects results of high jump & pole vault round attempts...
flash_rounds_parseCollects attempts within 'tf_parse'
flash_year_linksCollects all meet links from a given year on Flash Results
hytek_attempts_split_long_helperCreates new columns for splitting attempts strings in long...
hytek_parseParses Hytek format track and field results inside 'tf_parse'
is_link_brokenDetermines if a link is valid
lines_sortSorts and collects lines by performance and row number
list_transformTransform list of lists into data frame
math_formatFormatting times as seconds
math_format_helperHelper function for formatting times as seconds
metric_conversionFormatting feet-inches lengths as meters
metric_conversion_helperConverts distances in feet-inches to meters
pipePipe operator
read_resultsReads track and field results into a list of strings in...
remove_duplicate_splitsRemoves duplicate splits
remove_unneeded_roundsRemoves unneeded rounds columns within 'tf_parse'
round_attempts_parseCollects results of high jump & pole vault attempts within...
rounds_parseCollects rounds within 'tf_parse'
splits_parseCollects splits within 'tf_parse'
standard_conversionFormatting meters lengths as feet-inches
standard_conversion_helperConverts distances in meters to feet-inches
tf_parseParses track and field data from Flash or Hytek format data...
wind_from_roundsPulls Wind Data by Round from Horizontal Flash Table Results
wind_from_rounds_helperHelper function for extracting wind data from round columns
wind_parse_hytekCollects splits within 'tf_parse'
JumpeR documentation built on Nov. 17, 2021, 1:07 a.m.