Introduction to Kmisc

Kmisc introduces a grab-bag of utility functions that should be useful to various kinds of useRs. Some of the most useful functions in the package are demoed in this vignette.

dat <- data.frame( x=letters[1:4], y=1:4, z=LETTERS[1:4] )

without: This function is used to remove columns from a list / data.frame.

## let's remove columns 'x' and 'z' from dat.
tryCatch( dat[ -c('x', 'z') ], error=function(e) print(e$message) )
## oh :(
dat[ !(names(dat) %in% c('x', 'z')) ]
## I always find that a bit awkward. Let's use Kmisc's without instead.
without(dat, x, z)

extract: Extract vectors from a data.frame or list. Although there is already a good subsetting syntax for lists and vectors, I wanted a complementary function for without.

extract(dat, x, y)

re_without, re_extract: Extract variables whose names don't match / do match a regular expression pattern.

re_extract(dat, "[xy]")
re_without(dat, "[xy]")

swap: Replace elements in a vector.

tDat <- dat ## make a temporary copy of dat

## Replace some elements in tDat$y
tDat$y <- swap( tDat$y, from=c(2, 4), to=c(20, 40) )
cbind( dat$y, tDat$y )

factor_to_char, char_to_factor: A set of functions that recurse through a list / data.frame and set all elements that are characters to factors, and vice versa.

bDat <- data.frame( x=rnorm(10), y=sample(letters,10), z=sample(letters,10) )
str( bDat )
str( factor_to_char(bDat) )

dapply: The data.frame version of the l/sapply series of functions.

Why have this function when sapply still does much the same? I always get frustrated with the fact that either an array or a list is returned by sapply, but never a data.frame.

dat <- data.frame( x = rnorm(100), y = rnorm(100), z = rnorm(100) )
dapply( dat, summary )

kMerge: Left joins, aka. merge( all.x=TRUE, ... ) without any mangling of the order.

dat1 <- data.frame( id=5:1, x=c("a","a","b","b","b"), y=rnorm(5) )
dat2 <- data.frame( id=c(1, 2, 4), z=rnorm(3) )

## default merge changes id order
merge( dat1, dat2, by="id", all.x=TRUE )
## even the sort parameter can't save you
merge( dat1, dat2, by="id", all.x=TRUE, sort=TRUE )
# kMerge keeps it as is
kMerge( dat1, dat2, by="id" )

in_interval: A fast C implementation for determing which elements of a vector x lie within an interval [lo, hi).

x <- runif(10)*10; lo <- 5; hi <- 10
print( data.frame( x=x, between_5_and_10=in_interval(x, lo, hi) ) )

stack_list: Use this to stack data.frames in a list. This can be useful if e.g. you've run some kind of bootstrap procedure and have all your results stored in as a list of data.frames -- even rbind, dfs ) can be slow. The difference is even more prominent when used on very large lists.

This is partially deprecated by data.table::rbindlist now, which has a much faster C implementation.

dfs <- replicate(1E3, 
  data.frame(x=rnorm(10), y=sample(letters,10), z=sample(LETTERS,10)),
str( stack_list(dfs) )
system.time( stack_list(dfs) )
system.time(, dfs) )
system.time( data.table::rbindlist(dfs) )

Fast String Operations

R is missing some nice builtin 'string' functions. I've introduced a few functions for common string operations.

str_rev: Reverses a character vector; ie, a vector of strings. str_rev2 is there if you need to reverse a potentially unicode string.

str_rev( c("ABC", "DEF", NA, paste(LETTERS, collapse="") ) )
str_rev2( c("はひふへほ", "abcdef") )

str_slice: Slices a vector of strings at consecutive indices n. str_slice2 exists for potentially unicode strings.

str_slice( c("ABCDEF", "GHIJKL", "MNOP", "QR"), 2 )
str_slice2( "ハッピー", 2 )

str_sort: sort a string.


str_collapse: Collapse a string using Rcpp sugar; operates like R's paste(..., collapse=""), but works much faster.

str_collapse( c("ABC", "DEF", "GHI") )

File I/O

Sometimes, you get really large data files that just aren't going to fit into RAM. You really wish you could split them up in a structured way, transform them in some way, and then put them back together. One might consider a more 'enterprise' edition of the split-apply-combine framework (Hadoop and friends), but one dirty alternative is to use C++ to munge through a text file and pull out things that we actually want.

split_file: This function splits a delimited file into multiple files, according to unique entries in a chosen column.

extract_rows_from_file: From a delimited text file, extract only the rows for which the entries in a particular column match some set of items that you wish to keep.

C++ Function Generators

Use these functions to generate C++ / Rcpp-backed functions for common R-style operations.

Rcpp_tapply_generator: Generate fast tapply style functions from C++ code through Rcpp. See the example.

dat <- data.frame( y=rnorm(100), x=sample(letters[1:5], 100, TRUE) )
tMean <- Rcpp_tapply_generator("return mean(x);")
with( dat, tMean(y, x) )
with( dat, tapply(y, x, mean) )
  Kmisc=with( dat, tMean(y, x) ),
  R=with( dat, tapply(y, x, mean) ),

Rcpp_apply_generator: An apply function generator tailored to 2D matrices. However, your function definition must return a scalar value.

aMean <- Rcpp_apply_generator("return mean(x);")
mat <- matrix( rnorm(100), nrow=10 )
aMean(mat, 2)
apply(mat, 2, mean)
  Kmisc=aMean(mat, 2),
  R=apply(mat, 2, mean)

Faster Versions of Commonly Used R Functions

tapply_: This function operates like tapply but works faster through a faster factor generating function, as well as an optimized split. Note that it is however restricted to the (common) case of your value and grouping variables being column vectors.

y <- rnorm(1000); x <- sample(letters[1:5], 1000, TRUE)
tapply(y, x, mean)
tapply_(y, x, mean)
microbenchmark( times=10,
  tapply(y, x, mean),
  tapply_(y, x, mean),
  tMean(y, x)

melt_: This function operates like reshape2:::melt, but works almost entirely through C and hence is much faster.

dat <- data.frame(
melt_(dat, id.vars="id")

factor_: A faster, simpler implementation of factor through Rcpp. This might be useful in some rare cases where speed is essential.

lets <- sample(letters, 1E6, TRUE)
stopifnot( identical(
) )
microbenchmark( times=5,

html: Custom HTML in an R Markdown document.

  table( class="table table-bordered table-striped table-condensed table-hover", ## bootstrap classes

anatomy, anat: Like str, but much faster. It won't choke on very large data.frames.

df <- data.table(x=1, y=2)

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Kmisc documentation built on May 29, 2017, 1:43 p.m.