package_chunk_fits: Package the output of the chunk-level multinomial models into...

View source: R/multinom_TS.R

package_chunk_fitsR Documentation

Package the output of the chunk-level multinomial models into a multinom_TS_fit list


Takes the list of fitted chunk-level models returned from TS_chunk_memo (the memoised version of multinom_TS_chunk and packages it as a multinom_TS_fit object. This involves naming the model fits based on the chunk time windows, combining the log likelihood values across the chunks, and setting the class of the output object.


package_chunk_fits(chunks, fits)



Data frame of start and end times for each chunk (row).


List of chunk-level fits returned by TS_chunk_memo, the memoised version of multinom_TS_chunk.


Object of class multinom_TS_fit, which is a list of [1] chunk-level model fits, [2] the total log likelihood combined across all chunks, and [3] the chunk time data table.


  dtt <- rodents$document_term_table
  lda <- LDA_set(dtt, 2, 1, list(quiet = TRUE))
  dct <- rodents$document_covariate_table
  dct$gamma <- lda[[1]]@gamma
  weights <- document_weights(dtt)
  formula <- gamma ~ 1
  changepoints <- c(20,50)
  timename <- "newmoon"
  TS_chunk_memo <- memoise_fun(multinom_TS_chunk, TRUE)
  chunks <- prep_chunks(dct, changepoints, timename)
  nchunks <- nrow(chunks)
  fits <- vector("list", length = nchunks)
  for (i in 1:nchunks){
    fits[[i]] <- TS_chunk_memo(dct, formula, chunks[i, ], timename, 
                               weights, TS_control())
  package_chunk_fits(chunks, fits) 

LDATS documentation built on Sept. 19, 2023, 5:08 p.m.