Xranges: Generates ranges of the unknowns of a linear inverse problem

View source: R/Xranges.R

XrangesR Documentation

Generates ranges of the unknowns of a linear inverse problem


Given an inverse input list, generates the minimal and maximal values of the unknowns


Xranges (lim, ...)



a list that contains the linear inverse model specification, as generated by function setup.limfile.


extra arguments passed to function xranges from packagelimSolve.


a 2-columned vector containing the minimum (column 1) and maximum (column 2) of each unknown.


Karline Soetaert <karline.soetaert@nioz.nl>

See Also

Varranges which estimates the ranges of inverse variables

Plotranges to plot the ranges

function xranges from packagelimSolve


# ranges
xr   <- Xranges(LIMRigaAutumn)
xlim <- range(xr)

# parsimonious
pars <- Lsei(LIMRigaAutumn)$X

# plot
dotchart(x = pars, labels = rownames(xr), xlim = xlim,  
         main = "Riga Autumn ",
         sub = "ranges and parsimonious solution", pch = 16)
cc <- 1:nrow(xr)
segments(xr[ ,1], cc, xr[ ,2], cc)

LIM documentation built on June 22, 2024, 12:20 p.m.