Xsample: Generates a random sample of the unknowns for a linear...

View source: R/Xsample.R

XsampleR Documentation

Generates a random sample of the unknowns for a linear inverse problem


Given an inverse input list, randomly samples the unknowns, using an MCMC method


Xsample(lim, exact = NULL, ...)



a list that contains the linear inverse model specification, as generated by function setup.limfile.


if not NULL, a vector containing the numbers of the equations to be solved exactly; if NULL, all equations are considered exact.


extra parameters passed to function xsample from packagelimSolve.


For overdetermined LIM problems, the inverse equations may be split up in equations which have to be exactly met and other equations which have to be approximated.

exact is a vector with the exact equations

The default settings of xsample will often not do. For instance, the default consists of 3000 iterations (iter) and a jump length of jmp of 0.1. You may need to increase one of those to ensure that the entire solution space has been adequately sampled.


a 2-columned vector containing the minimum (column 1) and maximum (column 2) of each unknown.


Karline Soetaert <karline.soetaert@nioz.nl>


Van den Meersche K, Soetaert K, Van Oevelen D (2009). xsample(): An R Function for Sampling Linear Inverse Problems. Journal of Statistical Software, Code Snippets, 30(1), 1-15.


See Also

Varranges which estimates the ranges of inverse variables

Plotranges to plot the ranges

function xsample from packagelimSolve


# sample solution space
  xs <- Xsample(LIMRigaAutumn, iter = 500, jmp = 5)
  # remove flows that are invariable (sd=0)
  xs <- xs[ ,-which(apply(xs, 2, sd) == 0 )]
  #pairs plot
  pairs(xs, gap = 0, pch = ".", upper.panel = NULL)

LIM documentation built on June 22, 2024, 12:20 p.m.