
Defines functions lpc.fit.spline

Documented in lpc.fit.spline

lpc.fit.spline <- function(lpcsl,  num.knots=100){
    nbranch <- length(lpcsl)-1   
    # First of all evaluate the spline at each knot
    knots.pi <- list()
    knots.coords <- list()
    for (r in 0:nbranch) {
      knots.pi[[r+1]] <- round(lpcsl[[r+1]]$range[1] + 0:(num.knots-1)/(num.knots-1) * (lpcsl[[r+1]]$range[2]-lpcsl[[r+1]]$range[1]), digits=6)
      coords <- matrix(ncol=num.knots,nrow=length(lpcsl[[r+1]]$splinefun))
      for (j in 1:length(lpcsl[[r+1]]$splinefun))
        coords[j,] <- lpcsl[[r+1]]$splinefun[[j]](knots.pi[[r+1]])
      knots.coords[[r+1]] <- coords
    list(knots.coords=knots.coords, knots.pi=knots.pi)

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LPCM documentation built on May 29, 2024, 1:29 a.m.