
Defines functions plot.ms plot.lpc

Documented in plot.lpc plot.ms

plot.lpc <- function(x, type, unscale=TRUE, lwd=1, datcol="grey60",   datpch=21, masscol=NULL, masspch=15, curvecol=1, splinecol=3, projectcol=4, startcol=NULL, startpch=NULL,...){

   object <- x
   if (inherits(object,"lpc.spline")){
       splineobject <- object
       lpcobject    <- object$lpcobject
   } else {
       lpcobject <- object
       splineobject <-NULL
   if (missing(type)){
     if (inherits(object,"lpc")){type="curve"}
     else if (inherits(object,"lpc.spline") && object$project==FALSE){type="spline"}
     else if (inherits(object,"lpc.spline") && object$project){type=c("spline","project")}
   if ("project" %in% type  && inherits(object,"lpc") || "project" %in% type &&  inherits(object,"lpc.spline") && object$closest.branch=="none"  ){
       splineobject <-    lpc.spline(lpcobject, project=TRUE)
   } else if ("spline" %in% type  && inherits(object,"lpc")){
       splineobject <-    lpc.spline(lpcobject)
   n        <- dim(lpcobject$data)[1]
   d        <- dim(lpcobject$data)[2]
   branch   <- as.factor(lpcobject$P[,"branch"])
   nbranch  <- nlevels(branch)
   lc       <- length(curvecol)   
   sc       <- length(splinecol)
   pc       <- length(projectcol)  
   stnames  <- dimnames(lpcobject$start)[[1]]
   stdepth  <- as.numeric(stnames)   
   maxdepth <- max(stdepth)
   if (is.null(masscol)){
   if (is.null(startcol)){
   mc       <- length(masscol)
   stc      <- length(startcol)  
  if (!is.null(startpch)){
          if (length(stnames)!=length(startpch)){
             stnames<-rep(startpch[1], length(stnames))
           } else {
  if (lpcobject$scaled && unscale){
        u       <- if (is.null(splineobject)) {unscale(lpcobject)} else  {unscale(splineobject)}
        Xi      <- u$data
        fit     <- u$LPC
        start   <- u$starting.points
        if ("spline" %in% type) knots.coords <- u$knots.coords
        if ("project" %in% type) closest.coords <- u$closest.coords
  } else {
        Xi    <-  lpcobject$data
        fit   <-  lpcobject$LPC
        start <-  lpcobject$starting.points
        if ("spline" %in% type) knots.coords <- splineobject$knots.coords
        if ("project" %in% type) closest.coords <- splineobject$closest.coords 
if (d==2){
   # eqscplot(Xi, col=datcol, pch=datpch,...)
   plot(Xi, col=datcol, pch=datpch,...)
   if ("curve" %in% type){
          if (maxdepth==1){     
               for (j in 0:(nbranch-1)){ 
                   lines(fit[branch==j,], lwd=lwd, col= if (lc>=nbranch) curvecol[j+1] else if (lc>1) rep(curvecol,ceiling(nbranch/lc))[j+1] else curvecol)
          } else {
               for (j in 0:(nbranch-1)){ 
                     lines(fit[branch==j,], lwd=lwd, col= if (lc>=maxdepth) curvecol[stdepth[j+1]] else if (lc>1) rep(curvecol,ceiling(nbranch/lc))[j+1] else curvecol)
  if ("mass" %in% type){
      if (mc== dim(fit)[1]){
             points(fit, col=masscol,  pch=masspch )
      } else {
         for (j in 0:(nbranch-1)){ 
            points(fit[branch==j,], pch=masspch, col=  if (mc==maxdepth)  masscol[as.numeric(dimnames(start)[[1]])[j+1] ]  else  if  (mc>=nbranch) masscol[j+1] else if
          (mc>1) rep(masscol,ceiling(nbranch/mc))[j+1] else masscol)
   if ("start" %in% type){
      points(start, col = if (stc == maxdepth) startcol[stdepth] else startcol, pch=stnames)
   if ("spline" %in% type){
       for (j in 0:(nbranch-1)){ 
           lines(knots.coords[[j+1]][1,],knots.coords[[j+1]][2,], lwd=lwd, col= if (sc>=nbranch) splinecol[j+1] else if (sc>1) rep(splinecol,ceiling(nbranch/sc))[j+1] else splinecol)
   if ("project" %in% type){
       for (i in 1:n){
         x1 <-closest.coords[i,1]
         y1<- closest.coords[i,2]
         x2 <- Xi[i,1]
         y2 <- Xi[i,2]
        segments(x1,y1,x2,y2,  col= if (pc==n) projectcol[i] else if (pc>=nbranch) projectcol[splineobject$closest.branch[i]+1] else if (pc>1)  rep(projectcol,ceiling(nbranch/pc))[splineobject$closest.branch[i]+1] else projectcol  ) # 09/10/09
} else if (d==3){
   plotlpc3 <- scatterplot3d::scatterplot3d(Xi, color=datcol, pch=datpch,...)
   if ("curve" %in% type){ 
         for (j in 0:(nbranch-1)){ 
             plotlpc3$points3d(fit[branch==j,], lwd=lwd, col=if (lc>=nbranch) curvecol[j+1] else if (lc>1) rep(curvecol,ceiling(nbranch/lc))[j+1] else curvecol, type="l")

   if ("mass" %in% type){
          if (mc== dim(fit)[1]){
              plotlpc3$points3d(fit, col=masscol,  pch=masspch )
          } else {  
              for (j in 0:(nbranch-1)){ 
              plotlpc3$points3d(fit[branch==j,], pch=masspch, col= if (mc==maxdepth)  masscol[as.numeric(dimnames(start)[[1]])[j+1] ]  else  if (mc>=nbranch) masscol[j+1] else if (mc>1) rep(masscol,ceiling(nbranch/mc))[j+1] else masscol, type="p")
    if ("start" %in% type){
      plotlpc3$points3d(start, col = if (stc == maxdepth) startcol[stdepth] else startcol, pch=stnames)

  if ("spline" %in% type){
       for (j in 0:(nbranch-1)){
           plotlpc3$points3d(t(knots.coords[[j+1]]), lwd=lwd, col= if (sc>=nbranch) splinecol[j+1] else if (sc>1) rep(splinecol,ceiling(nbranch/sc))[j+1] else splinecol, type="l")
  if ("project" %in% type){
       for (i in 1:n){
         x1 <- closest.coords[i,1]
         y1<-  closest.coords[i,2]
         z1 <- closest.coords[i,3] 
         x2 <- Xi[i,1]
         y2 <- Xi[i,2]
         z2 <- Xi[i,3]
         plotlpc3$points3d(c(x1,x2),c(y1,y2),c(z1,z2), type="l",
              col= if (pc==n) projectcol[i]  else if (pc>=nbranch) projectcol[splineobject$closest.branch[i]+1] else if (pc>1)  rep(projectcol,ceiling(nbranch/pc))[splineobject$closest.branch[i]+1] else projectcol)  # 09/10/2009
}  else if (d<=16){
              panel= if ("curve" %in%  type) "lines" else "points",
              labels= dimnames(lpcobject$data)[[2]],
  ##splom(lpcobject$LPC)#, type=if ("curve" %in%  type) "l" else "p",labels= dimnames(lpcobject$data)[[2]] )
}  else {
  cat("Data set has too many dimensions to be plotted in a pairs plot.\n\n")



plot.lpc.spline <- plot.lpc

plot.ms <- function(x, unscale=FALSE, lwd=1, datcol="grey70",   datpch=21, masscol=NULL, masspch=15, curvecol=NULL,   ...){
  # unscale: unimplemented
  object         <- x
  cluster.center <- object$cluster.center
  cluster.label  <- object$cluster.label
  trajectories   <- object$all.trajectories
  X              <- object$data  
  Li             <- length(trajectories)
  d              <- dim(X)[2] 
  if (missing(masspch)){masspch<-15}
  if (d==1){ # added 04/09/20
    s<- length(table(cluster.center))
    for (j in 1:s){
      rug(X[cluster.label==j], col=j+1, lwd=lwd)
    points(cluster.center,rep(0,s), col=1+1:s, pch=masspch, cex=2)
  } else  if (d == 2) {
    plot(as.matrix(X), col = datcol, pch=datpch,...)
    if (missing(masscol)){
      masscol<- 2:(dim(cluster.center)[1]+1)
    # else {
    #   colvec <-  cluster.label[i]+1
    #   points(cluster.center, pch = 15, col=colvec)
    #   }
    for  (i in 1:Li){
      if (missing(curvecol)){
        # print(i)
        ccol <-  cluster.label[i]+1
      } else {ccol<-curvecol} 
      lines(rbind(trajectories[[i]]$start, trajectories[[i]]$Meanshift.points),   col = ccol, lwd=lwd)
      # } else if (plotms == 2) {
      # lines(rbind(temp.ms$start, temp.ms$Meanshift.points), col = cluster.label[i] + 1)
    points(cluster.center, pch = masspch, col=masscol)
  } else if (d>2 && d<=16){
    pairs(rbind(as.matrix(X), cluster.center), col = c(cluster.label +  1, rep(1, dim(cluster.center)[1])), 
          pch = c(rep(datpch, dim(X)[1]), rep(masspch, dim(cluster.center)[1])), ...)
    }  else {
    cat("Data set has inadequate dimension to be plotted in a pairs plot.\n\n")

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