
Defines functions predict.lb

Documented in predict.lb

#' Predict method for lb objects
#' Predict response variable for new data given a lb object
#' The default plot uses the fraction of L1 norm as the x. 
#' For multinomial case, the sum of absolute values of different class's 
#' coefficients are caculated to represent each variable.
#' The intercept term is not ploted
#' @param object lb object
#' @param newx New data matrix that each row is a data or a vector. If missing,
#'    type switched to coefficients
#' @param t The parmeter for object to determin which coeffiecients used for prediction.
#'  Linear interpolation is used if t is not in object\$t. 
#'  If missing, all the coeffiecients along the path is used to predict.
#' @param type To predict response of newx or just fit coeffients on the path.
#' @param \dots Additonal arguments for generic predict.
#' @return A list containing t and other variables. For type="fit", the rediction response
#' "fit" is returned. For "binomial", a vector of the probabilities for newx 
#' falling into class +1 is redurned. For "multinomial", a matrix with each column means
#' the probabilities for newx falling into the corresponding class. If type="coefficients"
#' coefficients "beta" and intercepts "a0" are returned.
#' @author Feng Ruan, Jiechao Xiong and Yuan Yao
#' @keywords methods

predict.lb <-
function(object, newx, t, type = c("fit", "coefficients"),...)
  type <- match.arg(type)
  if(missing(newx) & type == "fit") {
    warning("Type=fit with no newx argument; type switched to coefficients")
    type <- "coefficients"
  path <- object$path
  a0 <- object$a0
  if(missing(t)) {
    t <- object$t
    newbetas <- path
    newa0 <- a0
    t0 <- object$t
    t[t<min(t0)] <- min(t0)
    t[t>max(t0)] <- max(t0)
    coord <- approx(t0, seq(t0), t)$y
    left <- floor(coord)
    right <- ceiling(coord)
    cright <- (t - t0[left])/(t0[right] - t0[left])
    cleft <- (t0[right] - t)/(t0[right] - t0[left])
    if (object$family!= "multinomial"){
      if (object$kappa == Inf){
        newbetas <- path[,left]
        newa0 <- a0[left]
        newbetas <- t( cleft*t(path[, left , drop = FALSE])+
                       cright*t(path[, right , drop = FALSE]))
        newbetas[,left == right] <- path[,left[left == right]]
        newa0 <- (cleft* a0[left, drop = FALSE] +
                       cright * a0[right, drop = FALSE])
        newa0[left == right] <- a0[left[left == right]]
        newbetas <- drop(newbetas)
        newa0 <- drop(newa0)
      newbetas <- sapply(1:length(t), function(x) 
                    t(cleft[x]* t(path[,,left[x]]) + cright[x]* t(path[,,right[x]])),simplify = "array")
      newbetas[,,left == right] <- path[,,left[left == right]]
      newa0 <- t(cleft*t(a0[,left , drop = FALSE]) +
              cright*t(a0[, right, drop = FALSE]))
      newa0[,left == right] <- a0[,left[left == right]]
  if (type == "fit"){
    n <- dim(newx)[1]
    if (object$family=="gaussian")
      predict <- newx%*%newbetas + matrix(rep(newa0,each=n),nrow=n)
    else if (object$family=="binomial")
      predict <- 1/(1+exp(-newx%*%newbetas - matrix(rep(newa0,each=n),nrow=n)))
    else if(object$family=="multinomial"){
      predict <- sapply(1:length(t),function(x)
        exp(newx%*%t(newbetas[,,x]) + rep(1,n)%*%t(newa0[,x])))
      predict <- sapply(1:length(t),function(x)
       (t(scale(t(predict[,,x]), center=FALSE, scale=1/rowSums(predict[,,x])))))
  robject <- switch(type,
                    coefficients = list(t=t,betas = newbetas, a0 = newa0),
                    fit = list(t=t,fit=predict))

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