
## ----include = FALSE----------------------------------------------------------
  collapse = TRUE,
  comment = "#>"

## ----echo=T, eval=F-----------------------------------------------------------
#  # Install LipidMS
#  install.packages("LipidMS", dependencies = c("Depends", "Imports"))
#  # load library
#  library(LipidMS)

## ----echo=T, eval=F-----------------------------------------------------------
#  # load LipidMS library
#  library(LipidMS)
#  # Example data files can be downloaded from:
#  # <>
#  # get mzXML files from your working directory
#  files <- dir()[grepl(".mzXML", dir())]
#  # set the processing parameters
#  acquisitionmode <- c("DIA", "DDA", "MS", "MS", "MS", "DIA")
#  polarity <- "negative"
#  dmzagglom <- 15
#  drtagglom <- 500
#  drtclust <- c(100, 200)
#  minpeak <- c(5, 4)
#  drtgap <- 5
#  drtminpeak <- 15
#  drtmaxpeak <- c(100, 200)
#  recurs <- c(5, 10)
#  sb <- c(3, 2)
#  sn <- c(3, 2)
#  minint <- c(500, 100)
#  weight <- c(2, 3)
#  dmzIso <- 5
#  drtIso <- 5
#  # for single file processing, only samples acquired in DIA or DDA will be processed
#  files <- files[acquisitionmode %in% c("DIA", "DDA")]
#  acquisitionmode <- acquisitionmode[acquisitionmode %in% c("DIA", "DDA")]
#  # run the dataProcessing function to obtain the requires msobjects
#  msobjects <- list()
#  for (f in 1:length(files)){
#    msobjects[[f]] <- dataProcessing(file = files[f],
#                                     polarity = polarity,
#                                     dmzagglom = dmzagglom,
#                                     drtagglom = drtagglom,
#                                     drtclust = drtclust,
#                                     minpeak = minpeak,
#                                     drtgap = drtgap,
#                                     drtminpeak = drtminpeak,
#                                     drtmaxpeak = drtmaxpeak,
#                                     recurs = recurs,
#                                     sb = sb,
#                                     sn = sn,
#                                     minint = minint,
#                                     weight = weight,
#                                     dmzIso = dmzIso,
#                                     drtIso = drtIso)
#  }

## ----echo=T, eval=F-----------------------------------------------------------
#  # set annotation parameters
#  dmzprecursor <- 5
#  dmzproducts <- 10
#  rttol <- 5
#  coelcutoff <- 0.8
#  # Annotate lipids
#  ## If polarity is positive
#  if (polarity == "positive"){
#    for (m in 1:length(msobjects)){
#      msobjects[[m]] <- idPOS(msobjects[[m]],
#                              ppm_precursor = dmzprecursor,
#                              ppm_products = dmzproducts,
#                              rttol = rttol,
#                              coelCutoff = coelcutoff)
#    }
#  }
#  ## If polarity is negative
#  if (polarity == "negative"){
#    for (m in 1:length(msobjects)){
#      msobjects[[m]] <- idNEG(msobjects[[m]],
#                              ppm_precursor = dmzprecursor,
#                              ppm_products = dmzproducts,
#                              rttol = rttol,
#                              coelCutoff = coelcutoff)
#    }
#  }

## ----echo=T, eval=F-----------------------------------------------------------
#  # example code for idPEpos function
#  pe <- idPEpos(msobject,
#            ppm_precursor = ppm_precursor,
#            ppm_products = ppm_products, rttol = 6,
#            chainfrags_sn1 = c("mg_M+H-H2O", "lysope_M+H-H2O"),
#            chainfrags_sn2 = c("fa_M+H-H2O", "mg_M+H-H2O"),
#            intrules = c("mg_sn1/mg_sn2", "lysope_sn1/lysope_sn2"),
#            rates = c("3/1", "3/1"), intrequired = c(T),
#            dbs = dbs, coelCutoff = 0.8)
#  # additional information about how to change rules is given in the documentation
#  # of the following functions: chainFrags , checkClass, checkIntensityRules,
#  # coelutingFrags, ddaFrags, combineChains and organizeResults. These functions
#  # could be also empoyed to build customized identification functions.

## ----echo=T, eval=F-----------------------------------------------------------
#  msobject <- idPOS(msobject)
#  msobject <- plotLipids(msobject)
#  # display the first plot
#  msobject$plots[[1]]
#  msobject$plots[["yourpeakIDofinterest"]]
#  # save all plot to a pdf file
#  pdf("plotresults.pdf")
#  for (p in 1:length(msobject$plots)){
#      print(msobject$plots[[p]])
#    }

## ----echo=T, eval=F-----------------------------------------------------------
#  # load LipidMS library
#  library(LipidMS)
#  # Example data files can be downloaded from:
#  # <>
#  # csv file with 3 columns: sample (mzXML file names), acquisitionmode
#  # (MS, DIA or DDA) and sampletype (QC, group1, group2, etc.)
#  metadata <- read.csv("Matadata.csv", sep=",", dec = ".")
#  #==============================================================================#
#  # Set processing parameters
#  #==============================================================================#
#  ###################
#  # Peak-picking
#  polarity <- "positive" # 6550 abrir hasta 50 ppm, con el orbi dejar en 15-20 ppm
#  dmzagglom <- 15
#  drtagglom <- 500
#  drtclust <- c(100, 200)
#  minpeak <- c(8, 5)
#  drtgap <- 5
#  drtminpeak <- 15
#  drtmaxpeak <- 200
#  recurs <- c(5, 10)
#  sb <- c(3,2)
#  sn <- c(3,2)
#  minint <- c(5000, 1000)
#  weight <- c(2, 3)
#  dmzIso <- 5
#  drtIso <- 5
#  #==============================================================================#
#  # Processing
#  #==============================================================================#
#  ###################
#  # Peak-picking
#  msbatch <- batchdataProcessing(metadata = metadata,
#                                 polarity = polarity,
#                                 dmzagglom = dmzagglom,
#                                 drtagglom = drtagglom,
#                                 drtclust = drtclust,
#                                 minpeak = minpeak,
#                                 drtgap = drtgap,
#                                 drtminpeak = drtminpeak,
#                                 drtmaxpeak = drtmaxpeak,
#                                 recurs = recurs,
#                                 sb = sb,
#                                 sn = sn,
#                                 minint = minint,
#                                 weight = weight,
#                                 dmzIso = dmzIso,
#                                 drtIso = drtIso,
#                                 parallel = parallel,
#                                 ncores = ncores)
#  save(msbatch, file="msbatch.rda.gz", compress = TRUE)

## ----echo=T, eval=F-----------------------------------------------------------
#  #==============================================================================#
#  # Set parameters
#  #==============================================================================#
#  ###################
#  # Batch processing
#  dmzalign <- 5
#  drtalign <- 30
#  span <- 0.4
#  minsamplesfracalign <- 0.75
#  dmzgroup <- 5
#  drtagglomgroup <- 30
#  drtgroup <- 15
#  minsamplesfracgroup <- 0.25
#  parallel <- TRUE
#  ncores <- 2
#  #==============================================================================#
#  # Processing
#  #==============================================================================#
#  ###################
#  # Alignment
#  msbatch <- alignmsbatch(msbatch, dmz = dmzalign, drt = drtalign, span = span,
#                          minsamplesfrac = minsamplesfracalign,
#                          parallel = parallel, ncores = ncores)
#  # rt deviation plot
#  rtdevplot(msbatch)
#  rtdevplot(msbatch, colorbygroup = FALSE)
#  # tic plot
#  plotticmsbatch(msbatch)
#  plotticmsbatch(msbatch, colorbygroup = FALSE)
#  ###################
#  # Grouping
#  msbatch <- groupmsbatch(msbatch, dmz = dmzgroup, drtagglom = drtagglomgroup,
#                          drt = drtgroup, minsamplesfrac = minsamplesfracgroup,
#                          parallel = parallel, ncores = ncores)
#  #####################
#  # Fill missing peaks
#  msbatch <- fillpeaksmsbatch(msbatch)
#  # Now we have a data matrix with all samples and features.
#  View(msbatch$features)

## ----echo=T, eval=F-----------------------------------------------------------
#  #==============================================================================#
#  # Lipid annotation
#  #==============================================================================#
#  ###################
#  # Lipid Annotation
#  msbatch <- annotatemsbatch(msbatch)
#  # Make plots for identified lipids
#  for (m in 1:length(msbatch$msobjects)){
#    if (msbatch$msobjects[[m]]$metaData$generalMetadata$acquisitionmode %in% c("DIA", "DDA")){
#      msbatch$msobjects[[m]] <- plotLipids(msbatch$msobjects[[m]])
#    }
#  }
#  print(msbatch$msobjects[[1]]$annotation$plots[[1]])

## ----echo=T, eval=F-----------------------------------------------------------
#  ###################
#  # features
#  peaklist <- msbatch$features
#  peaklistNoIso <- peaklist[peaklist$isotope %in% c("", "[M+0]"),]
#  View(peaklistNoIso)
#  write.csv(peaklist, file="peaklist.csv")
#  write.csv(peaklistNoIso, file="peaklistNoIso.csv")
#  ###################
#  # annotations
#  # results
#  for (i in 1:length(msbatch$msobjects)){
#    if (msbatch$msobjects[[i]]$metaData$generalMetadata$acquisitionmode %in% c("DIA", "DDA")){
#      fileName <- gsub(".mzXML", "_summaryResults.csv" ,
#                       msbatch$msobjects[[i]]$metaData$generalMetadata$file[i])
#      write.csv(msbatch$msobjects[[i]]$annotation$results, fileName, row.names = FALSE)
#    }
#  }
#  # Annotated Peaklists
#  for (i in 1:length(msbatch$msobjects)){
#    if (msbatch$msobjects[[i]]$metaData$generalMetadata$acquisitionmode %in% c("DIA", "DDA")){
#      fileName <- gsub(".mzXML", "_annotatedPeaklist.csv" ,
#                       msbatch$msobjects[[i]]$metaData$generalMetadata$file[i])
#      write.csv(msbatch$msobjects[[i]]$annotation$annotatedPeaklist, fileName, row.names = FALSE)
#    }
#  }
#  ###################
#  # plots
#  pdf("RTdevplot.pdf")
#  rtdevplot(msbatch)
#  rtdevplot(msbatch, colorbygroup = FALSE)
#  pdf("TIC.pdf", height = 7, width = 10)
#  plotticmsbatch(msbatch)
#  plotticmsbatch(msbatch, colorbygroup = FALSE)
#  # lipid id plots
#  for (s in 1:length(msbatch$msobjects)){
#    if (msbatch$msobjects[[s]]$metaData$generalMetadata$acquisitionmode %in% c("DIA", "DDA")){
#      print(s)
#      if (msbatch$msobjects[[s]]$metaData$generalMetadata$acquisitionmode == "DIA"){
#        height <- 7
#      } else {
#        height <- 9
#      }
#      pdf(file = gsub(".mzXML", "_plots.pdf", msbatch$msobjects[[s]]$metaData$generalMetadata$file),
#          width = 8, height = height)
#      for ( pl in 1:length(msbatch$msobjects[[s]]$annotation$plots)){
#        print(msbatch$msobjects[[s]]$annotation$plots[[pl]])
#      }
#    }
#  }

## ----echo=T, eval=F-----------------------------------------------------------
#  # To run LipidMS shiny app execute:
#  LipidMSapp()

## ----echo=T, eval=F-----------------------------------------------------------
#  fas <- c("8:0", "10:0", "12:0", "14:0", "14:1", "15:0", "16:0", "16:1",
#  "17:0", "18:0", "18:1", "18:2", "18:3", "18:4", "20:0", "20:1", "20:2",
#  "20:3", "20:4", "20:5", "22:0", "22:1", "22:2", "22:3", "22:4", "22:5",
#  "22:6", "24:0", "24:1", "26:0")
#  sph <- c("16:0", "16:1", "18:0", "18:1")
#  dbs <- createLipidDB(lipid = "all", chains = fas, chains2 = sph)
#  # to use for identification function two additional data frames need to be added
#  dbs$adductsTable <- LipidMS::adductsTable
#  dbs$nlsphdb <- LipidMS::nlsphdb

## ----echo=T, eval=F-----------------------------------------------------------
#  fas <- c("8:0", "10:0", "12:0", "14:0", "14:1", "15:0", "16:0", "16:1",
#           "17:0", "18:0", "18:1", "18:2", "18:3", "18:4", "19:0", "20:0", "20:1",
#           "20:2", "20:3", "20:4", "20:5", "22:0", "22:1", "22:2", "22:3", "22:4",
#           "22:5", "22:6", "24:0", "24:1", "26:0")
#  newfadb <- createLipidDB(lipid = "FA", chains = fas)
#  dbs <- assignDB() # This function loads all DBs required
#  dbs$fadb <- newfadb$fadb # Then, you can modify some of these DBs

## ----echo=T, eval=F-----------------------------------------------------------
#  adductsTable <- LipidMS::adductsTable
#  adductsTable <- data.frame(adduct = c(adductsTable$adduct, "M+X"),
#                            mdiff = c(adductsTable$mdiff, 52.65),
#                            charge = c(adductsTable$charge, 1),
#                            n = c(adductsTable$n, 1),
#                            stringsAsFactors = F)

## ----echo=T, eval=F-----------------------------------------------------------
#  # The new adductsTable has to be also uploaded in the dbs list.
#  dbs <- assignDB()
#  dbs$adductsTable <- adductsTable
#  idPCpos(msobject = LipidMSdata2::msobjectDIApos,
#          adducts = c("M+H", "M+Na", "M+X"), dbs = dbs)

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LipidMS documentation built on May 29, 2024, 11:24 a.m.