BaseDataSet.CosmicDoseRate: Base data set for cosmic dose rate calculation

BaseDataSet.CosmicDoseRateR Documentation

Base data set for cosmic dose rate calculation


Collection of data from various sources needed for cosmic dose rate calculation


values.cosmic.Softcomp: data frame containing cosmic dose rates for shallow depths (< 167 g cm^-2) obtained using the "AGE" program by Rainer Gruen (cf. Gruen 2009). These data essentially reproduce the graph shown in Fig. 1 of Prescott & Hutton (1988).
values.factor.Altitude: data frame containing altitude factors for adjusting geomagnetic field-change factors. Values were read from Fig. 1 in Prescott & Hutton (1994).
values.par.FJH: data frame containing values for parameters F, J and H (read from Fig. 2 in Prescott & Hutton 1994) used in the expression

Dc = D0*(F+J*exp((altitude/1000)/H))




The following data were carefully read from figures in mentioned sources and used for fitting procedures. The derived expressions are used in the function calc_CosmicDoseRate.


Program: "AGE"
Reference: Gruen (2009)
Fit: Polynomials in the form of

For depths between 40-167 g cm^-2:

y = 2*10^-6*x^2-0.0008*x+0.2535

(For depths <40 g cm^-2)

y = -6*10^-8*x^3+2*10^-5*x^2-0.0025*x+0.2969


Reference: Prescott & Hutton (1994)
Page: 499
Figure: 1
Fit: 2-degree polynomial in the form of

y = -0.026*x^2 + 0.6628*x + 1.0435


Reference: Prescott & Hutton (1994)
Page: 500
Figure: 2
Fits: 3-degree polynomials and linear fits

F (non-linear part, \lambda < 36.5 deg.):

y = -7*10^-7*x^3-8*10^-5*x^2-0.0009*x+0.3988

F (linear part, \lambda > 36.5 deg.):

y = -0.0001*x + 0.2347

J (non-linear part, \lambda < 34 deg.):

y = 5*10^-6*x^3-5*10^-5*x^2+0.0026*x+0.5177

J (linear part, \lambda > 34 deg.):

y = 0.0005*x + 0.7388

H (non-linear part, \lambda < 36 deg.):

y = -3*10^-6*x^3-5*10^-5*x^2-0.0031*x+4.398

H (linear part, \lambda > 36 deg.):

y = 0.0002*x + 4.0914


Gruen, R., 2009. The "AGE" program for the calculation of luminescence age estimates. Ancient TL, 27, pp. 45-46.

Prescott, J.R., Hutton, J.T., 1988. Cosmic ray and gamma ray dosimetry for TL and ESR. Nuclear Tracks and Radiation Measurements, 14, pp. 223-227.

Prescott, J.R., Hutton, J.T., 1994. Cosmic ray contributions to dose rates for luminescence and ESR dating: large depths and long-term time variations. Radiation Measurements, 23, pp. 497-500.


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Luminescence documentation built on June 22, 2024, 9:54 a.m.