
Defines functions MARSSfit.BFGS MARSSfit.kem MARSSfit.default MARSSfit

Documented in MARSSfit

#' Generic for fitting MARSS models
#' This is an internal function used by [MARSS()]. It is not
#' intended for use by users but needs to be exported so
#' the marssTMB package can use it. Uses the method of a marssMLE class object. 
#' Will call a function such as [MARSSkem()], [MARSSoptim()] in the 
#' MARSS package or `MARSStmb()` in the marssTMB package.
#' @param x a [marssMLE] object.
#' @param ... additional arguments for the fitting function
MARSSfit <- function(x, ...) {

MARSSfit.default <- function(x, ...){
  stop("MARSS: Something is wrong. Did not find a method for the marssMLE object. The first element of the call of the object should be the method. Did you call MARSSfit() with a marssMLE object? You need to add the method as the first element of the class.")

MARSSfit.kem <- function(x, ...) MARSSkem(x)

MARSSfit.BFGS <- function(x, ...) MARSSoptim(x)

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MARSS documentation built on May 29, 2024, 3:34 a.m.