CF2004: Body Mass Estimates Using Christiansen and Farina (2004)

Description Usage Arguments Details Value Author(s) References See Also Examples

View source: R/CF2004.R


This function is meant for bipedal mass estimate (in particular theropod dinosaurs) and offers some of the body mass prediction equations published by Christiansen and Farina (2004) derived from volumetric reconstructions of theropod dinosaurs


CF2004(X, X2 = NULL, eqn, data = NULL)



a value or vector representing the first variable in the equation (in mm)


an optional second variable with same length as X, should the equation be multiple (see Details) in mm


a character specifying the desired prediction equation (see Details)


an optional object of class = "data.frame" or class = "matrix"


Possible bivariate regression equations (eqn =) include: femur length ("FL"), femur circumference ("FC"), femur anteroposterior diameter ("FAP"), femur mediolateral diameter ("FML"), tibia circumference ("TC"), tibia distal mediolateral diameter ("TdistML"), fibula distal anteroposterior diameter ("FidistAP"). Multiple regression equations include femur circumference + length ("FC+FL"), femur mediolateral diameter + femur length ("FML+FL"), tibia circumference + femur length ("TC+FL"), tibia length + femur circumference ("TL+FC"), and tibia circumference + femur anteroposterior diameter ("TC+FAP"). If a multiple regression equation is chosen, X2 != NULL. See Christiansen & Farina (2004) for specific details and Campione & Evans (2020) for evaluations of the models. If a data object is specified, the mass estiamtes will be added as a column to the data.frame or matrix within that object.



A vector representing the mass estimate(s) in log grams and grams


Nicolas E. Campione


Christiansen, P. and Farina, R. A. (2004) Mass prediction in theropod dinosaurs. Historical Biology, 16, 85-92.

Campione, N. E. and Evans, D. C. (2020) The accuracy and precisions of body mass estimation in non-avian dinosaurs. Biological Reviews.

See Also

cQE bipeds AHR1985 CM1992


##Bipedal dinosaurs
CF2004(dinosbip$FC, eqn = "FC", data = dinosbip)

Example output

                    Taxon    FC   cor  log.CF2004     CF2004
1              Fruitadens  19.6 2.000 -0.06880288     853.49
2           Lesothosaurus  41.5 1.987  0.82321569    6656.04
3            Jeholosaurus  50.2 2.000  1.04952678   11207.97
4          Gasparinisaura  55.0 2.000  1.15811304   14391.73
5              Stegoceras  60.5 2.008  1.27144622   18682.98
6           Hypsilophodon  70.0 2.020  1.44487843   27853.41
7           Homalocephale  83.0 2.000  1.64743582   44405.40
8              Dryosaurus 138.0 2.020  2.25198894  178644.21
9          Thescelosaurus 183.0 2.010  2.58759108  386893.19
10        Massosspondylus 209.0 2.000  2.74556053  556622.21
11           Plateosaurus 253.0 1.987  2.97274399  939169.51
12               Mahakala  19.9 2.000 -0.05074028     889.73
13           Velociraptor  64.0 2.008  1.33832077   21793.19
14           Ornithomimus 110.0 2.008  1.98233317   96013.69
15            Deinonychus 116.0 1.987  2.04548597  111041.67
16          Herrerasaurus 170.0 2.020  2.49996915  316205.30
17             Gallimimus 216.0 2.000  2.78473437  609164.20
18          Majungasaurus 323.0 2.000  3.26319651 1833143.68
19            Carnotaurus 325.0 2.020  3.27053664 1864389.47
20          Gigantoraptor 349.0 2.000  3.35525602 2265979.72
21          Albertosaurus 340.0 1.865  3.32418927 2109547.34
22             Allosaurus 381.0 1.865  3.45957258 2881194.54
23         Daspletosaurus 390.0 2.000  3.48733489 3071389.49
24            Gorgosaurus 394.0 1.970  3.49946866 3158411.09
25             Suchomimus 408.0 1.766  3.54098753 3475261.80
26       Acrocanthosaurus 427.0 1.987  3.59511152 3936511.48
27             Mapusaurus 455.0 2.000  3.67063520 4684197.57
28           Tyrannotitan 500.0 2.000  3.78277987 6064288.75
29         Giganotosaurus 521.0 2.010  3.83170169 6787372.53
30  TyrannosaurusFMNH2081 579.0 1.815  3.95721391 9061788.20
31 TyrannosaurusRSM2523.8 570.0 1.987  3.93858535 8681311.80
32    TyrannosaurusCM9380 534.0 1.987  3.86100796 7261192.69
33    TyrannosaurusMOR555 520.0 1.987  3.82941715 6751762.46
34   TyrannosaurusBHI3033 505.0 1.970  3.79461179 6231775.41

MASSTIMATE documentation built on Jan. 8, 2021, 2:22 a.m.