
Troutes <- function(api_key){
  # returns list of MBTA route ids and route names
  # query <- "routes"
  # base_url <- paste0("https://api-v3.mbta.com/",query) # api key not needed for API V3
  # rawdata <- readLines(base_url, warn = F)
  # dl <- jsonlite::fromJSON(txt=rawdata,simplifyDataFrame = T,flatten=F)
  # allout <- NULL
  # for(i in 1:length(dl$data$id)){
  #   route_types <- dl$data$attributes$type[i]
  #   mode_names <- dl$data$attributes$description[i]
  #   route_id <- dl$data$id[i]
  #   route_name <- dl$data$attributes$long_name[i]
  #   direction_names <- c(dl$data$attributes$direction_names[[i]])
  #   thisout <- data.frame(route_type=route_types, mode_name=mode_names, route_id, route_name, direction_0 = direction_names[1], direction_1 = direction_names[2])
  #   allout <- rbind(allout,thisout)
  # }
  # return(allout)
  .Deprecated(msg = "Routes information no longer requires API call, and its output can now be called directly via the MBTAr::routes.")

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MBTAr documentation built on May 2, 2019, 6:59 a.m.