MCI2-package: Market Area Models for Retail and Service Locations

Description Author(s) References


This package provides several function for market area modeling with respect to retail and service locations (for a review, see Wieland 2017). The package MCI2 has two purposes:

1) A user-friendly wrapper for the functions in the package MCI (Wieland 2017) concerning the Huff Model and the Multiplicative Competitive Interaction Model. For more information, see the MCI package documentation and the related RJ paper (Wieland 2017).

2) A user-friendly way to create transport costs matrices, including the usage of OSM (OpenStreetMap)-related APIs. The included function tcmat.create is a convenient wrapper of the functions geocode_OSM (for geocoding street addresses using OSM Nominatim) from the tmaptools package (Tennekes 2018), osrmTable (for creating travel time matrices between points while interfacing the table OSRM service) from the osrm package (Giraud 2018) and dist.mat (for creating airline distances between points) from the REAT package (Wieland 2018). For more information, see the related package documentations.


Thomas Wieland

Maintainer: Thomas Wieland


Giraud, T. (2018): osrm: Interface Between R and the OpenStreetMap-Based Routing Service OSRM. R package version 3.1.1.

Tennekes, M. (2018): tmaptools: Thematic Map Tools. R package version 2.0-1.

Wieland, T. (2017): “Market Area Analysis for Retail and Service Locations with MCI”. In: The R Journal, 9, 1, p. 298-323.

Wieland, T. (2018): “Competitive locations of grocery stores in the local supply context - The case of the urban district Freiburg-Haslach”. In: European Journal of Geography, 9, 3, p. 98-115.

Wieland, T. (2019): REAT: Regional Economic Analysis Toolbox. R package version 3.0.0.

MCI2 documentation built on Aug. 2, 2019, 5:04 p.m.