Man pages for MCPerm
A Monte Carlo permutation method for multiple test correlation

ArmitageArmitage's trend test for the 2x3 genotype table
Armitage.MCPermA Monte Carlo permutation method for Armitage's trend test in...
Armitage.TradPermA permutation method for Armitage's trend test in...
chisq.MCPermA Monte Carlo permutation method for multiple chisq.test...
chisq.TradPermA permutation test for multiple chisq.test correction in...
fisher.MCPermA Monte Carlo permutation method for multiple fisher.test...
fisher.TradPermA permutation test for multiple fisher.test correction in...
genotypeDataGenotype Data from GWA16
genotypeStatStatistical Allele and Genotype Frequency of the specified...
HW.testHardy-weinberg equilibrium test
I2.MCPermCalculate p.value for Heterogeneity statistics I2 in meta...
I2.TradPermCalculate p.value for Heterogeneity statistics I2 in meta...
MCPerm-packageA Monte Carlo permutation method for multiple test...
metaMeta analysis
MetaGenotypeCountrs3131296 genetic association studies from SZGene database
MetaGenotypeDatagenotype raw data for rs3131296 genetic association studies
meta.MCPermMeta analysis corrected by permutation test
meta.TradPermMeta analysis corrected by permutation test
OROR(odd ratio) for risk_allele
OR.MCPermA Monte Carlo permutation method for multiple OR(odd ratio)...
OR.TradPermA permutation test for multiple OR(odd ratio) test correction...
pearson_scatterscatter plot and calculate Pearson correlation coefficient...
PermMeta.boxplotboxplot for the result of 'meta.MCPerm' or 'meta.TradPerm'
PermMeta.Histhistplot for the result of 'meta.MCPerm' or 'meta.TradPerm'
PermMeta.LnOR.boxplotboxplot for the return value 'perm_LnOR' or 'perm_VARLnOR' of...
PermMeta.LnOR.CDCcumulative distribution curve for the return value...
PermMeta.LnOR.Histhistplot for the return value 'perm_LnOR' or 'perm_VARLnOR'...
PermMeta.LnOR.qqnormqqnorm plot for the return value 'perm_LnOR' of 'meta.MCPerm'...
permuteGenotypePermute the elements of genotype data
permuteGenotypeCountFill the numerics of 2*3 table when fixed the row and column...
print.PermMetaPrint style for function 'meta.MCPerm' or 'meta.TradPerm'
Q.MCPermCorrect p.value for Heterogeneity statistics Q in meta...
Q.TradPermCorrect p.value for Heterogeneity statistics Q in meta...
VS.Allele.CDCseparately plot cumulative distribution curve for the return...
VS.Allele.Histseparately plot histplot for the return value(allele count)...
VS.Allele.QQseparately plot quantile-quantile plot for the return...
VS.CDCplot cumulative distribution curve for the return value of...
VS.Genotype.CDCseparately plot cumulative distribution curve for the return...
VS.Genotype.Histseparately plot histplot for the return value(genotype count)...
VS.Genotype.QQseparately plot quantile-quantile plot for the return...
VS.Histplot histplot for the return value of 'meta.TradPerm' and...
VS.KSKolmogorov-Smirnov test for the return value of...
VS.QQplot quantile-quantile plot for the return value of...
MCPerm documentation built on May 29, 2017, 11:27 a.m.