happiness: Happiness score and tax rates for 148 countries

happinessR Documentation

Happiness score and tax rates for 148 countries


Dataset on subjective happiness, tax rates, population sizes, continent, and major religion for 148 countries


A data frame with 148 observations on the following 6 variables.


a factor with 148 levels that contain the country names


a numeric vector with the average subject happiness score (on a scale from 0-10)


a numeric vector showing the tax revenue as percentage of GDP


a factor with levels Buddhist Christian Hindu Muslim None or Other


a factor with levels AF, AS, EU, NA, OC, SA, corresponding to the continents Africa, Asia, Europe, North America, Ocenaia, South American, respectively


a numeric vector showing the population (in millions)


Data collected by Ellen Ekstroem.
Population sizes are from Wikipedia per August 2nd, 2012 https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_countries_by_population
Major religions are from Wikipedia per August 2nd, 2012 https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Religions_by_country
Tax rates are from Wikipedia per August 2nd, 2012 https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_countries_by_tax_revenue_as_percentage_of_GDP
Average happiness scores are from "Veenhoven, R. Average happiness in 148 nations 2000-2009, World Database of Happiness, Erasmus University Rotterdam, The Netherlands". Assessed on August 2nd, 2012 at: https://worlddatabaseofhappiness-archive.eur.nl/hap_nat/findingreports/RankReport_AverageHappiness.php


with(happiness, symbols(tax, happy, circles=sqrt(population)/8, inches=FALSE, bg=continent))

# Make a prettier image with transparent colors

newcols <- rgb(t(col2rgb(palette())),
               alpha=100, maxColorValue=255)

with(happiness, symbols(tax, happy, circles=sqrt(population)/8,
                inches=FALSE, bg=newcols[continent],
                xlab="Tax (% of GDP)", ylab="Happiness"))

# Simple analysis
res <- lm(happy ~ religion + population + tax:continent, data=happiness)

MESS documentation built on Aug. 21, 2023, 1:05 a.m.

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