Man pages for MKmisc
Miscellaneous Functions from M. Kohl

0MKmisc-packageMiscellaneous Functions from M. Kohl.
AUCCompute AUC
binomCIConfidence Intervals for Binomial Proportions
corDistCorrelation Distance Matrix Computation
corPlotPlot of similarity matrix based on correlation
CVCompute CV
cvCIConfidence Intervals for Coefficient of Variation
fiveNSFive-Number Summaries
glogCompute Generalized Logarithm
heatmapColGenerate colors for heatmaps
HLgofTestHosmer-Lemeshow goodness of fit tests.
hsu.t.testHsu Two-Sample t-Test
imputeSDImpute Standard Deviations for Changes from Baseline
IQrangeThe Interquartile Range
madMatrixCompute MAD between colums of a matrix or data.frame
madPlotPlot of similarity matrix based on MAD
meanADThe Mean Absolute Deviation
melt.longTransform data.frame to Long Form
mi.t.testMultiple Imputation Student's t-Test
mod.oneway.testModerated 1-Way ANOVA
mod.t.testModerated t-Test
normCIConfidence Intervals for Mean and Standard Deviation
normDiffCIConfidence Intervals for Difference of Means
oneWayAnovaA function for Analysis of Variance
optCutoffCompute the Optimal Cutoff for Binary Classification
or2rrTransform OR to RR
pairwiseAUCCompute pairwise AUCs
pairwiseFCCompute pairwise fold changes
pairwiseFunCompute pairwise values for a given function
pairwiselogFCCompute pairwise log-fold changes
pairwise.mod.t.testPairwise Moderated t-Tests
perfMeasuresCompute Performance Measures and Scores for Binary...
power.diagnostic.testPower calculations for a diagnostic test
power.hsu.t.testPower calculations for two sample Hsu t test
power.nb.testPower calculation for comparing two negative binomial rates
power.welch.t.testPower calculations for two sample Welch t test
predValuesCompute PPV and NPV.
print.confintPrint Method for Confidence Intervals
qboxplotBox Plots
qbxp.statsBox Plot Statistics
quantileCIConfidence Intervals for Quantiles
repMeansCompute mean of replicated spots
risksCompute RR, OR, etc.
rrCICompute Approximate Confidence Interval for RR.
simCorVarsSimulate correlated variables.
simPlotPlot of a similarity matrix.
SNRCompute SNR
ssize.pccSample Size Planning for Developing Classifiers Using High...
stringDistFunction to compute distances between strings
stringSimFunction to compute similarity scores between strings
thyroidPlot TSH, fT3 and fT4 with respect to reference range.
traceBackFunction to trace back
transformationsNew Transformations for Use with ggplot2 Package
twoWayAnovaA function for Analysis of Variance
MKmisc documentation built on Nov. 20, 2022, 1:05 a.m.