Man pages for MKomics
Omics Data Analysis

0MKomics-packageOmics Data Analysis.
corDistCorrelation Distance Matrix Computation
corPlotPlot of similarity matrix based on correlation
heatmapColGenerate colors for heatmaps
madMatrixCompute MAD between colums of a matrix or data.frame
madPlotPlot of similarity matrix based on MAD
mod.oneway.testModerated 1-Way ANOVA
mod.t.testModerated t-Test
oneWayAnovaA function for Analysis of Variance
pairwiseFCCompute pairwise fold changes
pairwiselogFCCompute pairwise log-fold changes
pairwise.mod.t.testPairwise Moderated t-Tests
repMeansCompute mean of replicated spots
simPlotPlot of a similarity matrix.
stringDistFunction to compute distances between strings
stringSimFunction to compute similarity scores between strings
traceBackFunction to trace back
twoWayAnovaA function for Analysis of Variance
MKomics documentation built on Aug. 8, 2021, 5:06 p.m.