
message("MODIStsp Test 0: Gracefully fail on input problems")
  "Tests on MODIStsp", {

    # wrong path or non-existing opts_file
    expect_error(expect_warning(MODIStsp(opts_file = "", gui = FALSE),
                                "Processing Options file not found"))

    expect_error(expect_warning(MODIStsp(opts_file = "", gui = TRUE),
                                "The specified `.json` options file was not
    # provided options file is not a MODIStsp json options file
      opts_file = system.file("ExtData", "MODIStsp_ProdOpts.xml.zip",
                                 package = "MODIStsp"),
      gui = FALSE), "Unable to read the provided options")

    # # Credentials for earthdata login for http download are wrong
    # # TEST DEACTIVATED because, in some cases, downloading HDFs is possible
    # # even without autentication
    # expect_error(MODIStsp(
    #   opts_file = system.file("testdata/test05a.json",
    #                              package = "MODIStsp"), over,
    #   gui = FALSE, n_retries = 2), "Username and/or password are not valid")

Try the MODIStsp package in your browser

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MODIStsp documentation built on Oct. 13, 2023, 5:11 p.m.