Defines functions .SVMModel SVMTanhModel SVMSplineModel SVMRadialModel SVMPolyModel SVMLinearModel SVMLaplaceModel SVMBesselModel SVMANOVAModel SVMModel

Documented in SVMANOVAModel SVMBesselModel SVMLaplaceModel SVMLinearModel SVMModel SVMPolyModel SVMRadialModel SVMSplineModel SVMTanhModel

#' Support Vector Machine Models
#' Fits the well known C-svc, nu-svc, (classification) one-class-svc (novelty)
#' eps-svr, nu-svr (regression) formulations along with native multi-class
#' classification formulations and the bound-constraint SVM formulations.
#' @rdname SVMModel
#' @param scaled logical vector indicating the variables to be scaled.
#' @param type type of support vector machine.
#' @param kernel kernel function used in training and predicting.
#' @param kpar list of hyper-parameters (kernel parameters).
#' @param C cost of constraints violation defined as the regularization term in
#'   the Lagrange formulation.
#' @param nu parameter needed for nu-svc, one-svc, and nu-svr.
#' @param epsilon parameter in the insensitive-loss function used for eps-svr,
#'   nu-svr and eps-bsvm.
#' @param prob.model logical indicating whether to calculate the scaling
#'   parameter of the Laplacian distribution fitted on the residuals of numeric
#'   response variables.  Ignored in the case of a factor response variable.
#' @param cache cache memory in MB.
#' @param tol tolerance of termination criterion.
#' @param shrinking whether to use the shrinking-heuristics.
#' @param sigma inverse kernel width used by the ANOVA, Bessel, and Laplacian
#'   kernels.
#' @param degree degree of the ANOVA, Bessel, and polynomial kernel functions.
#' @param order order of the Bessel function to be used as a kernel.
#' @param scale scaling parameter of the polynomial and hyperbolic tangent
#'   kernels as a convenient way of normalizing patterns without the need to
#'   modify the data itself.
#' @param offset offset used in polynomial and hyperbolic tangent kernels.
#' @param ... arguments passed to \code{SVMModel} from the other constructors.
#' @details
#' \describe{
#'   \item{Response types:}{\code{factor}, \code{numeric}}
#'   \item{\link[=TunedModel]{Automatic tuning} of grid parameters:}{
#'     \itemize{
#'       \item SVMModel: \code{NULL}
#'       \item SVMANOVAModel: \code{C}, \code{degree}
#'       \item SVMBesselModel: \code{C}, \code{order}, \code{degree}
#'       \item SVMLaplaceModel: \code{C}, \code{sigma}
#'       \item SVMLinearModel: \code{C}
#'       \item SVMPolyModel: \code{C}, \code{degree}, \code{scale}
#'       \item SVMRadialModel: \code{C}, \code{sigma}
#'     }
#'   }
#' }
#' The kernel-specific constructor functions \code{SVMANOVAModel},
#' \code{SVMBesselModel}, \code{SVMLaplaceModel}, \code{SVMLinearModel},
#' \code{SVMPolyModel}, \code{SVMRadialModel}, \code{SVMSplineModel}, and
#' \code{SVMTanhModel} are special cases of \code{SVMModel} which automatically
#' set its \code{kernel} and \code{kpar} arguments.  These are called directly
#' in typical usage unless \code{SVMModel} is needed to specify a more general
#' model.
#' Default argument values and further model details can be found in the source
#' See Also link below.
#' @return \code{MLModel} class object.
#' @seealso \code{\link[kernlab]{ksvm}}, \code{\link{fit}},
#' \code{\link{resample}}
#' @examples
#' fit(sale_amount ~ ., data = ICHomes, model = SVMRadialModel)
SVMModel <- function(
  scaled = TRUE, type = character(),
  kernel = c("rbfdot", "polydot", "vanilladot", "tanhdot", "laplacedot",
             "besseldot", "anovadot", "splinedot"),
  kpar = "automatic", C = 1, nu = 0.2, epsilon = 0.1, prob.model = FALSE,
  cache = 40, tol = 0.001, shrinking = TRUE
) {

  kernel <- match.arg(kernel)


    name = "SVMModel",
    label = "Support Vector Machines",
    packages = "kernlab",
    response_types = c("factor", "numeric"),
    predictor_encoding = "model.matrix",
    na.rm = TRUE,
    params = new_params(environment()),

    fit = function(formula, data, weights, prob.model, ...) {
      if (is.factor(response(data))) prob.model <- TRUE
        formula = kernlab::ksvm(
          formula, data = data, prob.model = prob.model, na.action = na.pass,
        matrix = kernlab::ksvm(
          x, y, prob.model = prob.model, na.action = na.pass, ...

    predict = function(object, newdata, .MachineShop, ...) {
      y <- response(.MachineShop$input)
      newdata <- as.data.frame(newdata)
        object, newdata = newdata,
        type = if (is.factor(y)) "probabilities" else "response"



MLModelFunction(SVMModel) <- NULL

#' @rdname SVMModel
SVMANOVAModel <- function(sigma = 1, degree = 1, ...) {
  .SVMModel(name = "SVMANOVAModel", label = "Support Vector Machines (ANOVA)",
            model = "anovadot", envir = environment(), ...)

MLModelFunction(SVMANOVAModel) <- NULL

#' @rdname SVMModel
SVMBesselModel <- function(sigma = 1, order = 1, degree = 1, ...) {
  .SVMModel(name = "SVMBesselModel", label = "Support Vector Machines (Bessel)",
            model = "besseldot", envir = environment(), ...)

MLModelFunction(SVMBesselModel) <- NULL

#' @rdname SVMModel
SVMLaplaceModel <- function(sigma = numeric(), ...) {
  .SVMModel(name = "SVMLaplaceModel", label = "Support Vector Machines (Laplace)",
            model = "laplacedot", envir = environment(), ...)

MLModelFunction(SVMLaplaceModel) <- NULL

#' @rdname SVMModel
SVMLinearModel <- function(...) {
  .SVMModel(name = "SVMLinearModel", label = "Support Vector Machines (Linear)",
            model = "vanilladot", envir = environment(), ...)

MLModelFunction(SVMLinearModel) <- NULL

#' @rdname SVMModel
SVMPolyModel <- function(degree = 1, scale = 1, offset = 1, ...) {
  .SVMModel(name = "SVMPolyModel", label = "Support Vector Machines (Poly)",
            model = "polydot", envir = environment(), ...)

MLModelFunction(SVMPolyModel) <- NULL

#' @rdname SVMModel
SVMRadialModel <- function(sigma = numeric(), ...) {
  .SVMModel(name = "SVMRadialModel", label = "Support Vector Machines (Radial)",
            model = "rbfdot", envir = environment(), ...)

MLModelFunction(SVMRadialModel) <- NULL

#' @rdname SVMModel
SVMSplineModel <- function(...) {
  .SVMModel(name = "SVMSplineModel", label = "Support Vector Machines (Spline)",
            model = "splinedot", envir = environment(), ...)

MLModelFunction(SVMSplineModel) <- NULL

#' @rdname SVMModel
SVMTanhModel <- function(scale = 1, offset = 1, ...) {
  .SVMModel(name = "SVMTanhModel", label = "Support Vector Machines (Tanh)",
            model = "tanhdot", envir = environment(), ...)

MLModelFunction(SVMTanhModel) <- NULL

.SVMModel <- function(name, label, model, envir, ...) {
  params <- list(...)
  params$kernel <- model
  kpar <- new_params(envir)
  params$kpar <- if (
    params$kernel %in% c("laplacedot", "rbfdot") && is_empty(kpar)
  ) {
  } else {
    as.call(c(.(list), kpar))
  model <- do.call(SVMModel, params, quote = TRUE)
  model@name <- name
  model@label <- label

  scaled <- model@params$scaled
  if (!is.logical(scaled)) scaled <- TRUE

  gridinfo <- new_gridinfo(
    param = c("C", "degree", "order", "scale", "sigma"),
    get_values = c(
      function(n, ...) 2^seq_range(-4, 2, c(-4, 10), n),
      function(n, ...) seq_len(min(n, 3)),
      function(n, ...) seq_len(min(n, 3)),
      function(n, ...) 10^seq_range(-4, 2, c(-4, log10(2)), n),
      function(n, data, ...) {
        sigmas <- kernlab::sigest(model.matrix(data, intercept = FALSE),
                                  scaled = scaled)
        exp(seq(log(min(sigmas)), log(max(sigmas)), length = n))
  grid_params <- switch(params$kernel,
    "anovadot" = c("C", "degree"),
    "besseldot" = c("C", "order", "degree"),
    "laplacedot" = c("C", "sigma"),
    "polydot" = c("C", "degree", "scale"),
    "rbfdot" = c("C", "sigma"),
    "vanilladot" = "C"
  model@gridinfo <- gridinfo[gridinfo$param %in% grid_params, ]


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