
Defines functions Performance performance.CVOptimismControl performance.BootOptimismControl performance.MLControl performance.TrainingStep performance.Resample performance.MLModel performance.ConfusionMatrix performance.ConfusionList .performance performance.Surv performance.numeric performance.matrix performance.factor performance.BinomialVariate performance

Documented in performance performance.BinomialVariate performance.ConfusionList performance.ConfusionMatrix performance.factor performance.matrix performance.MLModel performance.numeric performance.Resample performance.Surv performance.TrainingStep

#' Model Performance Metrics
#' Compute measures of model performance.
#' @name performance
#' @rdname performance
#' @param x \link[=response]{observed responses}; or \link{confusion}, trained
#'   model \link{fit}, \link{resample}, or \link{rfe} result.
#' @param y \link[=predict]{predicted responses} if not contained in \code{x}.
#' @param weights numeric vector of non-negative
#'   \link[=case_weights]{case weights} for the observed \code{x} responses
#'   [default: equal weights].
#' @param metrics \link[=metrics]{metric} function, function name, or vector of
#'   these with which to calculate performance.
#' @param cutoff numeric (0, 1) threshold above which binary factor
#'   probabilities are classified as events and below which survival
#'   probabilities are classified.
#' @param na.rm logical indicating whether to remove observed or predicted
#'   responses that are \code{NA} when calculating metrics.
#' @param ... arguments passed from the \code{Resample} method to the response
#'   type-specific methods or from the method for \code{ConfusionList} to
#'   \code{ConfusionMatrix}.  Elliptical arguments in the response
#'   type-specific methods are passed to \code{metrics} supplied as a single
#'   \code{\link[=metrics]{MLMetric}} function and are ignored otherwise.
#' @seealso \code{\link{plot}}, \code{\link{summary}}
#' @examples
#' \donttest{
#' ## Requires prior installation of suggested package gbm to run
#' res <- resample(Species ~ ., data = iris, model = GBMModel)
#' (perf <- performance(res))
#' summary(perf)
#' plot(perf)
#' ## Survival response example
#' library(survival)
#' gbm_fit <- fit(Surv(time, status) ~ ., data = veteran, model = GBMModel)
#' obs <- response(gbm_fit, newdata = veteran)
#' pred <- predict(gbm_fit, newdata = veteran)
#' performance(obs, pred)
#' }
performance <- function(x, ...) {

#' @rdname performance
performance.BinomialVariate <- function(
  x, y, weights = NULL, metrics = MachineShop::settings("metrics.numeric"),
  na.rm = TRUE, ...
) {
  .performance(x, y, weights, metrics, na.rm, dots = list(...))

#' @rdname performance
performance.factor <- function(
  x, y, weights = NULL, metrics = MachineShop::settings("metrics.factor"),
  cutoff = MachineShop::settings("cutoff"), na.rm = TRUE, ...
) {
  .performance(x, y, weights, metrics, na.rm, cutoff = cutoff, dots = list(...))

#' @rdname performance
performance.matrix <- function(
  x, y, weights = NULL, metrics = MachineShop::settings("metrics.matrix"),
  na.rm = TRUE, ...
) {
  .performance(x, y, weights, metrics, na.rm, dots = list(...))

#' @rdname performance
performance.numeric <- function(
  x, y, weights = NULL, metrics = MachineShop::settings("metrics.numeric"),
  na.rm = TRUE, ...
) {
  .performance(x, y, weights, metrics, na.rm, dots = list(...))

#' @rdname performance
performance.Surv <- function(
  x, y, weights = NULL, metrics = MachineShop::settings("metrics.Surv"),
  cutoff = MachineShop::settings("cutoff"), na.rm = TRUE, ...
) {
  .performance(x, y, weights, metrics, na.rm, cutoff = cutoff, dots = list(...))

.performance <- function(x, y, weights, metrics, na.rm, ..., dots = list()) {
  if (na.rm) {
    complete <- complete_subset(x = x, y = y, weights = weights)
    x <- complete$x
    y <- complete$y
    weights <- complete$weights
  if (length(x)) {
    args <- list(x, y, weights = weights, ...)
    metric <- if (is_one_element(metrics)) metrics[[1]] else metrics
    if (is(get0(metric), "MLMetric")) args <- c(args, dots)
    metrics <- check_metrics(metrics, convert = TRUE)
    do.call(metrics, args)
  } else {

#' @rdname performance
performance.ConfusionList <- function(x, ...) {
  ListOf(map(function(conf) performance(conf, ...), x))

#' @rdname performance
performance.ConfusionMatrix <- function(
  x, metrics = MachineShop::settings("metrics.ConfusionMatrix"), ...
) {
  args <- list(x)
  metric <- if (is_one_element(metrics)) metrics[[1]] else metrics
  if (is(get0(metric), "MLMetric")) args <- c(args, ...)
  metrics <- check_metrics(metrics, convert = TRUE)
  do.call(metrics, args)

#' @rdname performance
performance.MLModel <- function(x, ...) {
  if (!is_trained(x)) throw(Warning("No training results with performance."))
  ListOf(map(performance, x@steps))

#' @rdname performance
performance.Resample <- function(x, ...) {
  perf_list <- by(x, x$Model, function(resamples) {
    Performance(performance(x@control, resamples, ...), control = x@control)
  }, simplify = FALSE)
  do.call(c, perf_list)

#' @rdname performance
performance.TrainingStep <- function(x, ...) {

performance.MLControl <- function(x, resamples, ...) {
  perf_list <- by(resamples, resamples$Iteration, function(resample) {
    performance(resample$Observed, resample$Predicted, resample$Weight, ...)
  }, simplify = FALSE)
  do.call(rbind, perf_list)

performance.BootOptimismControl <- function(x, resamples, ...) {
  test_perf_list <- list()
  boot_perf_list <- list()
  resamples_split <- split(resamples, resamples$Iteration)
  for (name in names(resamples_split)) {
    resample <- resamples_split[[name]]
    test_perf_list[[name]] <- performance(resample$Observed,
                                          resample$Weight, ...)
    boot_perf_list[[name]] <- performance(resample$Boot.Observed,
                                          resample$Weight, ...)
  test_perf <- do.call(rbind, test_perf_list)
  boot_perf <- do.call(rbind, boot_perf_list)
  train_perf <- performance(resample$Observed, resample$Train.Predicted,
                            resample$Weight, ...)

  pessimism <- test_perf - boot_perf
  sweep(pessimism, 2, train_perf, "+")

performance.CVOptimismControl <- function(x, resamples, ...) {
  test_perf <- NextMethod()

  resamples_split <- split(resamples, ceiling(resamples$Iteration / x@folds))
  pred_names <- make_names_len(x@folds, "CV.Predicted.")
  perf_list <- map(function(resample) {
    f <- function(prop, pred) {
      prop * performance(resample$Observed, pred, resample$Weight, ...)
    props <- proportions(table(resample$Iteration))
    preds <- resample[pred_names]
    Reduce("+", map(f, props, preds))
  }, resamples_split)
  cv_perf <- do.call(rbind, rep(perf_list, each = x@folds))
  train_perf <- performance(resamples_split[[1]]$Observed,
                            resamples_split[[1]]$Weight, ...)

  pessimism <- test_perf - cv_perf
  sweep(pessimism, 2, train_perf, "+")

Performance <- function(...) {
  object <- new("Performance", ...)
  ndim <- length(dimnames(object))
  if (ndim) {
    names(dimnames(object)) <- head(c("Iteration", "Metric", "Model"), ndim)

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MachineShop documentation built on Sept. 11, 2024, 6:28 p.m.