
Defines functions scr

Documented in scr

#' Replacing values above ct to NA
#'\code{scr} screens the dataset in wide format according to Ct threshold and missing.percent.thresh (for each gene, the percentage of samples is missing).
#' sets all values above Ct threshold to NA and then removes all rows of genes with number of missing above missing.percent.thresh.
#' @param dat the dataset with rows = Genes and columns = Samples.
#' @param threshold Ct value at or above which all values are set to NA.
#' @param missing.percent.thresh a number between 0 to 100 denoting the percentage of allowable missing.  If the percentage of missing is greater than this value, the row (gene) is not retained.
#' @export

## Screening the dataset in wide format according to the threshold (Ct threshold) and missing.percent.thresh (for each gene, the percentage of samples is missing)

scr = function(dat, threshold, missing.percent.thresh){

    dat[dat>= threshold] <- NA
    rmv.ind = apply(dat, 1, function(x) sum(is.na(x))/length(x) * 100<=missing.percent.thresh)
    dat.new = dat[rmv.ind, ]
    return(data = dat.new)


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MiRAnorm documentation built on May 1, 2019, 7:12 p.m.