combine: Combine several objects

View source: R/cl-handling.R

combineR Documentation

Combine several objects


Combine Coo objects after a slicing, either manual or using slice or chop. Note that on Coo object, it combines row-wise (ie, merges shapes as a c would do) ; but on Coe it combines column-wise (merges coefficients). In the latter case, Coe must have the same number of shapes (not necessarily the same number of coefficients). Also the $fac of the first Coe is retrieved. A separate version may come at some point.





a list of Out(Coe), Opn(Coe), Ldk objects (but of the same class)


a Momocs object of same class


Note that the order of shapes or their coefficients is not checked, so anything with the same number of rows will be merged.

See Also

Other handling functions: arrange(), at_least(), chop(), dissolve(), fac_dispatcher(), filter(), mutate(), rename(), rescale(), rm_harm(), rm_missing(), rm_uncomplete(), rw_fac(), sample_frac(), sample_n(), select(), slice(), subsetize()


w <- filter(bot, type=="whisky")
b <- filter(bot, type=="beer")
combine(w, b)
# or, if you have many levels
bot_s <- chop(bot, ~type)
# note that you can apply something (single function or a more
# complex pipe) then combine everyone, since combine also works on lists
# eg:
# bot_s2 <- efourier(bot_s, 10) # equivalent to lapply(bot_s, efourier, 10)
# bot_sf <- combine(bot_s2)

# pipe style
efourier(bot_s, 10) %>% combine()

Momocs documentation built on Nov. 13, 2023, 5:07 p.m.

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