Man pages for NMdata
Preparation, Checking and Post-Processing Data for PK/PD Modeling

addTAPDAdd time since previous dose to data, time of previous dose,...
ccCreate character vectors without quotation marks
checkColRowcheck that col.row is not edited in Nonmem control stream
clDefine a vector with factor levels in the same order as...
compareColsCompare elements in lists with aim of combining
deprecatedArgReport if an argument is deprecated.
dimsGet dimensions of multiple objects
editCharColsReplace strings in character character columns of a data set
egdtExpand grid of data.tables
filePathSimpleClean and standardize file system paths
findCovsExtract columns that vary within values of other columns
findVarsExtract columns that vary within values of other columns in a...
flagsAssignAssign exclusion flags to a dataset based on specified table
flagsCountCreate an overview of number of retained and discarded...
fnAppendpaste something before file name extension.
fnExtensionChange file name extension
getArgsGet provided arguments as a named list
getFilePathsInternal interpretation of file specification options
is.NMdataCheck if an object is 'NMdata'
listMissingsList rows with missing values across multiple columns
lstExtractTimeExtract run time from output control stream
mergeCheckMerge, order, and check resulting rows and columns.
messageWrapPretty wrapping of lines in NMdata vignettes
NMapplyFiltersTranslate filters in Nonmem and apply to data
NMcheckColnamesCompare $INPUT in control stream to column names in input...
NMcheckDataCheck data for Nonmem compatibility or check control stream...
NMcheckDataFilecheck input data based on control stream
NMcode2RTranslate Nonmem $PK, $PRED sections or other Nonmem code to...
NMdataConfConfigure default behavior of NMdata functions
NMdataConfOptionsGet NMdataConf parameter properties
NMdataDecideOptionDetermine active parameter value based on argument and...
NMdataGetOptionLook up default configuration of an argument
NMdataOperationsBasic arithmetic on NMdata objects
NMexpandDosesTransform repeated dosing events (ADDL/II) to individual...
NMextractDataFileExtract the data file used in a control stream
NMextractTextVersatile text extractor from Nonmem (input or output)...
NMgenTextGenerate text for INPUT and possibly DATA sections of NONMEM...
NMinfoGet metadata from an NMdata object
NMisNumericTest if a variable can be interpreted by Nonmem
NMorderColumnsStandardize column order in Nonmem input data
NMreadCovRead in data file
NMreadCsvRead input data formatted for Nonmem
NMreadExtRead information from Nonmem ext files
NMreadPhiRead information from Nonmem phi files
NMreadSectionExtract sections of Nonmem control streams
NMreadTabRead an output table file from Nonmem
NMreplaceDataFileReplace data file used in Nonmem control stream
NMscanDataAutomatically find Nonmem input and output tables and...
NMscanInputFind and read input data and optionally translate column...
NMscanMultipleRun NMscanData on multiple models and stack results
NMscanTablesFind and read all output data tables in Nonmem run
NMstampstamp a dataset or any other object
NMtransInptranslate the column names according to the $INPUT section of...
NMwriteDataWrite dataset for use in Nonmem (and R)
NMwriteSectionReplace ($)sections of a Nonmem control stream
print.summary_NMdataprint method for NMdata summaries
reduceTablesreduce tables from NMscanTables to fewer objects
renameByContentsRename columns matching properties of data contents
searchColRowCheck row identifier in a model for necessary properties.
summary.NMdatasummary method for NMdata objects
tmpcolgenerate a name for a new data column that is not already in...
unNMdataRemove NMdata class and discard NMdata meta data
writeNMinfoDo the actual writing of meta data
NMdata documentation built on Nov. 11, 2023, 5:07 p.m.