Man pages for NeuralSens
Sensitivity Analysis of Neural Networks

ActFuncActivation function of neuron
AlphaSensAnalysisSensitivity alpha-curve associated to MLP function
AlphaSensCurveSensitivity alpha-curve associated to MLP function of an...
CombineSensSensitivity analysis plot over time of the data
ComputeHessMeasuresPlot sensitivities of a neural network model
ComputeSensMeasuresPlot sensitivities of a neural network model
DAILY_DEMAND_TRData frame with 4 variables
DAILY_DEMAND_TVData frame with 3 variables
Der2ActFuncSecond derivative of activation function of neuron
Der3ActFuncThird derivative of activation function of neuron
DerActFuncDerivative of activation function of neuron
diag3DarrayDefine function to create a 'diagonal' array or get the...
diag3Darray-setDefine function to change the diagonal of array
diag4DarrayDefine function to create a 'diagonal' array or get the...
diag4Darray-setDefine function to change the diagonal of array
HessDotPlotSecond derivatives 3D scatter or surface plot against input...
HessFeaturePlotFeature sensitivity plot
HessianMLPSensitivity of MLP models
HessMLPConstructor of the HessMLP Class
HessToSensMLPConvert a HessMLP to a SensMLP object
is.HessMLPCheck if object is of class 'HessMLP'
is.SensMLPCheck if object is of class 'SensMLP'
NeuralSensNeuralSens: Sensitivity Analysis of Neural Networks
plot.HessMLPPlot method for the HessMLP Class
plot.SensMLPPlot method for the SensMLP Class
PlotSensMLPNeural network structure sensitivity plot
print.HessMLPPrint method for the HessMLP Class
print.SensMLPPrint method for the SensMLP Class
print.summary.HessMLPPrint method of the summary HessMLP Class
print.summary.SensMLPPrint method of the summary SensMLP Class
SensAnalysisMLPSensitivity of MLP models
SensDotPlotSensitivity scatter plot against input values
SensFeaturePlotFeature sensitivity plot
SensitivityPlotsPlot sensitivities of a neural network model
SensMatPlotPlot sensitivities of a neural network model
SensMLPConstructor of the SensMLP Class
SensTimePlotSensitivity analysis plot over time of the data
simdataSimulated data to test the package functionalities
summary.HessMLPSummary Method for the HessMLP Class
summary.SensMLPSummary Method for the SensMLP Class
syntheticdataList of 4 dataframes to test the functions with different...
NeuralSens documentation built on July 9, 2023, 6:18 p.m.