Man pages for NominalLogisticBiplot
Biplot representations of categorical data

afcSimple Correspondence Analysis
EnvEcological Factors in Farm Management.
GeneratorsGenerators (points) of the tesselation generated by a nominal...
HairColorDemographic Data
hermquadGauss-Hermite quadrature
multiquadMultidimensional Gauss-Hermite quadrature
Nominal2BinaryTransformation of a nominal variable into a binary indicator...
NominalDistancesDistances between indidividuals calculated from nominal...
NominalLogBiplotEMAlternated EM algorithm for Nominal Logistic Biplots
NominalLogisticBiplotNominal Logistic Biplot for polytomous data
NominalLogisticBiplot-packageNominal Logistic Biplot representations for polytomous data
NominalMatrix2BinaryIndicator matrix of a set of nominal variables.
PCoAPrincipal Coordinates Analysis
PhD_nomCyLData set from Survey on Human Resources in Science and...
plotNominalFittedVariableFunction for plotting in the reduced space an unordered and...
plot.nominal.logistic.biplotGraphical representation of a Nominal Logistic Biplot.
plotNominalVariableFunction for plotting in the reduced space an unordered...
polylogistMultinomial logistic regression with ridge penalization
RidgeMultinomialRegressionRidge Multinomial Logistic Regression
summary.nominal.logistic.biplotSummary Method Function for Objects of Class...
NominalLogisticBiplot documentation built on May 2, 2019, 6:03 a.m.