TempTraject: Temperature profiles made along a ship track.

Profile data setR Documentation

Temperature profiles made along a ship track.


Profiles of temperature made along a ship track, originally made available by US NOAA NODC.

The data were merged from 29 input files named gtspp_103799_xb_111.nc till gtspp_103827_xb_111.nc.

These data were acquired from the US NOAA National Oceanographic Data Center (NODC) on 9/06/2012 from https://www.nodc.noaa.gov/gtspp/.




list with

  • meta, a data.frame with the metadata, containing for each of the 29 profiles the following:

    • station, the number of the station (part of the original filename).

    • filename, the original name of the NetCDF file.

    • date, the date of sampling.

    • time, the time of sampling, a number relative to 1-1-1900 0 hours.

    • longitude, dg E.

    • latitutde, dg N.

  • temp, the seawater temperature, at the depth of the measurement in dg C. A matrix of dimension (29, 93) for the 29 profiles and (at most) 93 depth values; NA means no measurement.

  • depth, the depth of the measurement in temp, in metres, positive downward. A matrix of dimension (29, 93) for the 29 profiles and (at most) 93 depth values; NA means no measurement.


Karline Soetaert <karline.soetaert@nioz.nl>



U.S. National Oceanographic Data Center: Global Temperature-Salinity Profile Programme. June 2006. U.S. Department of Commerce, National Oceanic and Atmosphere Administration, National Oceanographic Data Center, Silver Spring, Maryland, 20910. Date of Access: 9/06/2012.

See Also

image2D for plotting images, package plot3D.

ImageOcean for an image of the ocean bathymetry, package plot3D.

scatter2D for making scatterplots, package plot3D.

Oxsat for a 3-D data set, package plot3D.


# save plotting parameters
 pm <- par(mfrow = c(2, 2))
 mar <- par("mar")
## =============================================================================
## show the metadata
## =============================================================================

## =============================================================================
## display the cruisetrack on the Ocean Bathymetry data  
## =============================================================================  
 # 1. plots the ocean's bathymetry and add sampling positions
 ImageOcean(xlim = c(-50, 50), ylim = c(-50, 50), 
            main = "cruise track")  
 points(TrackProf$meta$longitude, TrackProf$meta$latitude, pch = "+")

# mark starting point
 points(TrackProf$meta$longitude[1], TrackProf$meta$latitude[1], 
        pch = 18, cex = 2, col = "purple")

## =============================================================================    
## image plots of raw data
## =============================================================================    

 image2D(z = TrackProf$depth, main = "raw depth values",  
       xlab = "station nr", ylab = "sample nr", clab = "depth")
 image2D(z = TrackProf$temp, main = "raw temperature values",  
       xlab = "station nr", ylab = "sample nr", clab = "dgC")

## =============================================================================    
## image plots of temperatures at correct depth
## =============================================================================    
# water depths to which data set is interpolated
 depth <- 0 : 809    

# map from "sigma" to "depth" coordinates
 Temp_Depth <- mapsigma (TrackProf$temp, sigma = TrackProf$depth, 
   depth = depth)$var

# image with depth increasing downward and increased resolution (resfac)  
 image2D(z = Temp_Depth, main = "Temperature-depth",
       ylim = c(809, 0), y = depth, NAcol ="black", resfac = 2, 
       xlab = "station nr", ylab = "depth, m", clab = "dgC")
## =============================================================================    
## scatterplot of surface values on ocean bathymetry
## =============================================================================    

 par(mar = mar + c(0, 0, 0, 2))
 par(mfrow = c(1, 1))
# No colors, but add contours
 ImageOcean(xlim = c(-30, 30), ylim = c(-40, 40), 
          main = "cruise track", col = "white", contour = TRUE) 
# use data set TrackProf to add measured temperature, with color key
 with (TrackProf, 
   scatter2D(colvar = temp[,1], x = meta[ ,"longitude"],
         y = meta[ ,"latitude"], clab = "temp", 
         add = TRUE, pch = 18, cex = 2))
# reset plotting parameters
 par(mar = mar)
 par(mfrow = pm)

OceanView documentation built on May 29, 2024, 2:35 a.m.