Man pages for OpenABMCovid19
Agent-Based Model for Modelling the COVID-19

AgeGroupEnumAge Group Indices
AgentR6Class Agent
EnvironmentR6Class Environment
ModelR6Class Model
Model.get_paramGets the value of a parameter (wrapper for \...
Model.get_transmissionsGets all the transmissions until now (wrapper for...
Model.newCreates a new OpenABM Model (wrapper for 'Model$new()')
Model.one_time_stepSteps the model forward one time step (wrapper for...
Model.one_time_step_resultsGets the simulation results for the current time-step....
Model.resultsGets the simulation results for all time-steps run so far...
Model.runRuns the simulation until the 'end_time' specified in the...
Model.update_running_paramsUpdate a parameter during a simulation
NetworkR6Class Network
NETWORK_CONSTRUCTIONSNetwork construction types
ParametersR6Class Parameters
Parameters.get_paramGets the value of a parameter (wrapper for...
Parameters.newCreates a new OpenABM Parameters object (wrapper for...
Parameters.set_paramSets the value of a parameter (wrapper for...
SAFE_UPDATE_PARAMSUpdate-able parameters
SimulationR6Class Simulation
StrainR6Class Strain
swig_methodsSWIG Generated S4 methods
VaccineR6Class Vaccine
VaccineScheduleR6Class VaccineSchedule
VACCINE_STATUSVaccine status
VACCINE_TYPESVaccine types
OpenABMCovid19 documentation built on July 20, 2021, 5:08 p.m.