prepareBiplotData: Prepare dataframe passed to drawing functions for biplots.

View source: R/repgrid-plots.r

prepareBiplotDataR Documentation

Prepare dataframe passed to drawing functions for biplots.


Data frame contains the variables ⁠type, show, x, y, z, labels, color, cex⁠.


  dim = c(1, 2),
  map.dim = 3,
  e.label.cex = 0.8,
  c.label.cex = 0.6,
  e.label.col = "black",
  c.label.col = grey(0.8),
  e.point.cex = 0.7,
  c.point.cex = 0.8,
  e.point.col = "black",
  c.point.col = "darkred", = c(0.4, 1), = c(0.4, 1),
  c.points.devangle = 90,
  c.labels.devangle = 90, = TRUE, = TRUE, = TRUE, = TRUE,
  unity = TRUE,
  unity3d = FALSE,
  scale.e = 0.9,



repgrid object.


Dimensions to be used for biplot (default is c(1,2)).


Third dimension used to map aesthetic attributes (depth) (default is 3).


Size of the element labels. Two values can be entered that will represents the lower and upper size of a range of cex the values of map.dim are mapped onto. The default is c(.4, .8). If only one cex value is supplied (e.g. .7) no mapping occurs and all element labels will have the same size irrespective of their value on the map.dim dimension.


Size of the construct labels. Two values can be entered that will represents the lower and upper size of a range of cex the values of map.dim are mapped onto. The default is c(.4, .8). If only one cex value is supplied (e.g. .7) no mapping occurs and all construct labels will have the same size irrespective of their value on the map.dim dimension.


Color(s) of the element labels. Two values can be entered that will create a color ramp. The values of map.dim are mapped onto the ramp. The default is c("white", "black"). If only one color color value is supplied (e.g. "black") no mapping occurs and all element labels will have the same color irrespective of their value on the map.dim dimension.


Color(s) of the construct labels. Two values can be entered that will create a color ramp. The values of map.dim are mapped onto the ramp. The default is c("white", "black"). If only one color color value is supplied (e.g. "black") no mapping occurs and all construct labels will have the same color irrespective of their value on the map.dim dimension.


Size of the element symbols. Two values can be entered that will represents the lower and upper size of a range of cex the values of map.dim are mapped onto. The default is c(.4, .8). If only one cex value is supplied (e.g. .7) no mapping occurs and all elements will have the same size irrespective of their value on the map.dim dimension.


Size of the construct symbols. Two values can be entered that will represents the lower and upper size of a range of cex the values of map.dim are mapped onto. The default is c(.4, .8). If only one cex value is supplied (e.g. .7) no mapping occurs and all elements will have the same size irrespective of their value on the map.dim dimension.


Color(s) of the element symbols. Two values can be entered that will create a color ramp. The values of map.dim are mapped onto the ramp. The default is c("white", "black"). If only one color color value is supplied (e.g. "black") no mapping occurs and all elements will have the same color irrespective of their value on the map.dim dimension.


Color(s) of the construct symbols. Two values can be entered that will create a color ramp. The values of map.dim are mapped onto the ramp. The default is c("white", "darkred"). If only one color color value is supplied (e.g. "black") no mapping occurs and all elements will have the same color irrespective of their value on the map.dim dimension.

Value range to determine what range of the color ramp defined in e.color will be used for mapping the colors. Default is c(.4, ,1). Usually not important for the user.

Value range to determine what range of the color ramp defined in c.color will be used for mapping. Default is c(.4, ,1). Usually not important for the user.


Scale elements and constructs coordinates to unit scale in 2D (maximum of 1) so they are printed more neatly (default TRUE).


Scale elements and constructs coordinates to unit scale in 3D (maximum of 1) so they are printed more neatly (default TRUE).


Scaling factor for element vectors. Will cause element points to move a bit more to the center. This argument is for visual appeal only.


Not evaluated.


The deviation angle from the x-y plane in degrees. These can only be calculated if a third dimension map.dim is specified. Only the constructs vectors that do not depart more than the specified degrees from the shown x-y plane will be printed. This facilitates the visual interpretation, as only vectors represented in the current plane are shown. Set the value to 91 (default) to show all vectors.


dataframe containing the variables ⁠type, show, x, y, z, labels, color, cex⁠. Usually not of interest to the user.


           TODO:  How to omit `map.dim`?

OpenRepGrid documentation built on Sept. 11, 2024, 7:16 p.m.